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Messgeräte zur Bestimmung der Radon-Aktivitätskonzentration oder der Radonexposition – Vergleichsprüfung 2010 : Instruments to Measure Radon Activity Concentration or Exposure to Radon – Interlaboratory Comparison 2010

Description: According to the Directive 96/29/EURATOM the monitoring of occupational radiation exposures shall base on individual measurements carried out by an approved dosimetric service. Pursuant to the European Directive an approved dosimetric service is a body responsible for the calibration, reading or interpretation of individual monitoring devices …, whose capacity to act in this respect is recognized by the competent authorities. This concept will also be applied to radon services issuing passive radon measurement devices. Passive radon measurement devices1 using solid state nuclear track detectors or electrets are recommended for individual monitoring of exposures to radon. German regulations lay down that radon measuring devices are appropriate for purposes of occupational radiation monitoring if the devices are issued by recognized radon measurement services, and the measurement service submits devices of the same type issued for radon monitoring to regular intercomparisons conducted by BfS. A radon measuring service is recognized by the competent authority if it proves its organizational and technical competence, e. g. by accreditation. These regulations have been introduced in the area of occupational radiation exposures. Nevertheless, it is recommended that radon measuring services which carry out radon measurements in other areas (e.g. dwellings) should subject themselves to these measures voluntarily. The interlaboratory comparisons comprise the organization, exposure, and evaluation of measurements of radon activity concentration or exposure to radon. The comparisons only concern radon-222; radon-220 is not in the scope. Radon services being interested can get further information from the European Information System on Proficiency Testing Schemes (eptis) available in the internet.

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Text {
    text_type: Publication,

Origin: /Bund/BfS/DORIS

Tags: Messgerät ? Radon ? Wohnung ? Kalibrierung ? Ringversuch ? Pflanzensamen ? Sensor ? Thoron ? Schadstoffexposition ? Strahlenexposition ? Strahlungsüberwachung ? Informationssystem ?

License: doris-bfs

Language: unbekannt



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