Description: This report describes the use of nuclear energy in the Federal Republic of Germany as of December, 2009. It contains the essential data of all nuclear power plants, research reactors with a continuous thermal power above 50 kWth and the plants of nuclear fuel supply and waste management. At the reporting moment 31st of December in 2009, 17 nuclear power plants were in operation. With 134.9 TWh (in 2008 – 148.8 TWh) altogether they provided 22.6 % (23.4 % in 2008) of the total gross electricity production (incl. electricity transfers). The report summarises the essential operational results of the nuclear power plants and information on granted licenses. A short description of the present state of the nuclear power plants that have been shut down or decommissioned and of the stopped projects is given. Concerning research reactors with a continuous thermal power above 50 kWth, essential data on type, characteristics (thermal power, thermal neutron flux) and purpose of the plant are represented. Furthermore, an overview of the licensing and operation history and the present state of the operating condition is given. For the plants of nuclear fuel supply and waste management data on purpose and capacity, the licensing history and the present state of operation and licensing are given. To give a survey, the data are summarised in tabular form in the report annexes. The report will be updated and published once a year.
Global identifier:
UrnNbn( "urn:nbn:de", "0221-201009073052", )
Text { text_type: Publication, }
Origin: /Bund/BfS/DORIS
Tags: Forschungsreaktor ? Kernbrennstoff ? Kernenergie ? Kernkraftwerk ? Wärme ? Abfallwirtschaft ? Daten ? Energienutzung ? Zulassung ? Bruttostromerzeugung ? Stilllegung ? Anlagenbetrieb ?
License: doris-bfs
Language: unbekannt
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