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Status Report on the Use of Nuclear Energy in Germany 2019

Description: This report, which was correct on 31 December 2019, provides a summary of the use of nuclear energy in Germany. The report lists the main data concerning all the nuclear power plants, research reactors and the facilities for nuclear fuel supplies and waste management. Seven nuclear power plants were operating on the reporting date (31 December 2019) and only six were still operating at midnight on 31 December 2019. Philippsburg 2 power plant was finally switched off at the end of 2019. Electricity generation using nuclear power in 2019 amounted to approx. 75.1 TWh (2018: 76.0 TWh). The share of nuclear energy in the total gross electricity generation amounted to 12.4% (2018: 12.0%)

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Text {
    text_type: Publication,

Origin: /Bund/BfS/DORIS

Tags: Main ? Philippsburg ? Atomstrom ? Forschungsreaktor ? Stromerzeugung ? Kernbrennstoff ? Kernenergie ? Kernkraftwerk ? Abfallwirtschaft ? Daten ? Kraftwerk ? Bruttostromerzeugung ?

License: doris-bfs

Language: unbekannt



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