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Plans for abolishing some of the stretches of inland waterways with specific risks

Description: News in Elwis Plans for abolishing some of the stretches of inland waterways with specific risks Following a proposal by the Federal Waterways and Shipping Agency, the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport intends to abolish some of the stretches of inland waterways with specific risks on the Rhine and Elbe rivers. For the Rhine, consultations are already underway in the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR). 1. What is to remain unchanged in any case? The stretches with specific risks on the Danube and the Upper Weser will remain unchanged. On the Rhine and the Elbe, the following stretches will remain stretches with specific risks: Rhine   Upper Rhine: Rhine km 335.66 (Wintersdorf road bridge) to km 425.00 (Mannheim) Middle Rhine Valley: Rhine km 498.45 (Mainz/Mainz-Kastel road bridge) to km 592.00 (Koblenz, mouth of the Moselle) Elbe    Dresden city area: Elbe km 29.74 (landing stage for passenger vessels) to km 60.80 (Alberthafen) Magdeburg reach from Elbe km 324.50 to km 327.20 Fairway depth stretch 9 from Elbe km 502.25 (mouth of the old Löcknitz) to km 568.90 (Hohnstorfer Bridge). 2. What is to be changed? It is planned that the other stretches of the Rhine (from Rhine km 425.00 to 498.45 and from Rhine km 592 to 857.40) will no longer be stretches with specific risks. The specific authorisation for sailing on stretches with specific risks would then no longer be required for these stretches. The other stretches of the Elbe (from Elbe km 3.44 to 29.74, from Elbe km 60.80 to 324.50, from Elbe km 327.20 to 502.25 and from Elbe km 568.90 to 607.50) would also no longer be stretches with specific risks. This would mean that the specific authorisation for sailing on stretches with specific risks would then no longer be required for these stretches, too. 3. What are the next steps? As regards the Rhine, the CCNR will decide on 5 December 2024 on the German proposal to abolish some of the stretches with specific risks of the Rhine. If the proposal is adopted and the Regulations for Rhine Navigation Personnel (RPN) amended accordingly, this amendment will have to be implemented in national law. The proposal suggests that the amendment and the implementation enter into force on 1 July 2025. As regards the Elbe, the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport will carry out a procedure to amend the German Regulations for Inland Waterway Navigation Personnel (BinSchPersV) in the coming year. The amendment procedure will take around 6-8 months. 4. What will apply during the transitional period? For the Rhine, the following rules are envisaged for the period between the final decision of the CCNR on the abolishment of some of the stretches with specific risks of the Rhine and its implementation in German law:     No penalties will be imposed for sailing on the stretches with specific risks to be abolished in future (listed above under point 2) without having the specific authorisation still required under the RPN. The Federal Waterways and Shipping Agency will no longer offer examinations for the stretches with specific risks that are to be abolished. All candidates who have already been registered for an examination date during the transitional period will be informed by the Federal Waterways and Shipping Agency. The examinations for all remaining stretches with specific risks (listed above under point 1) will continue. For the Elbe, the current provisions laid down in the BinSchPersV will continue to be applied for the time being and the Federal Waterways and Shipping Agency will continue to offer examinations. Interested candidates can contact the Federal Waterways and Shipping Agency at any time for individual advice. All candidates who have already been registered for an examination date will be informed by the Federal Waterways and Shipping Agency. 5. What will the examinations look like? The examinations on the Danube, on the Upper Weser and on the remaining stretches with specific risks of the Elbe will continue to be oral examinations. The examinations for the remaining stretches with specific risks of the Rhine (Upper Rhine and Middle Rhine Valley) will also be held as oral examinations until 28 February 2025. From 1 March 2025, the examination for the acquisition of a specific authorisation for the stretches with specific risks stretch of the Rhine will be taken as a written or electronic examination using the single choice method. The written or electronic examination is passed if the candidate has answered at least 80% of the examination questions correctly. There are four possible answers to each question, of which only one is correct. The number of the questions depends on the length of the stretch to be examined. At least 20 questions are asked. For the examination, the candidate has one minute per question plus five minutes of additional time (for example, the time allowed for a 50 question examination is 55 minutes). Candidates can still freely choose their stretch in the application for admission to the examination. The examinations for the specific authorisation for the stretches with specific risks of the Rhine are taken at the following locations:  Bonn, Würzburg and Kiel The competences required for the individual stretches can be found in the document Inhalte Streckenkundeprüfung (PDF, internal) (German only). Sample questions (PDF, internal) (German only) for the examination for stretches with specific risks of the Rhine using the single choice method, giving you an idea of the type of questions (but without providing the four possible answers given in the examination). Elbe, Danube, Upper Weser In the oral examination for the stretches with specific risks of the Elbe, Danube and Upper Weser (not for the Rhine!), you will be shown maps in which important points are marked. Each map contains at least one kilometre indication. However, the numbers of the important points do not represent kilometres. They are used for systematic numbering only. For example, this map (PDF, internal) (German only) describes the important points 33.6 to 33.10. In the examination, candidates must be able to name and describe all important points of the stretch. They have to know what is behind each point, what particular traffic rules may be in place there and what has to be taken into account when sailing there.


Origin: /Bund/GDWS/ELWIS

Tags: Bonn ? Kiel ? Magdeburg ? Mannheim ? Binnenwasserstraße ? Bundeswasserstraße ? Dresden ? Koblenz ? Mosel ? Rheingebiet ? Ministerium ? Donau ? Elbe ? Rhein ? Weser ? Ausführungsgesetz ? Innenstadt ? Karte ? Passagierschiff ? Navigation ? Restrisiko ? Stadt ? REACH ? Nationales Recht ? Risiko ? Schifffahrt ? Verkehr ? Tal ?

License: other-open

Language: Deutsch

Modified: 2024-10-29

Time ranges: 2024-10-29 - 2024-10-29


Quality score

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