Description: National Hydrological Services have identified “climate sensitive” stations on request of the WMO Commission for Hydrology in order to assess the variability and trends in hydrological data associated with climate variability and change. GRDC has offered to integrate this dataset into the Global Runoff Database.
Global identifier:
Uuid( f93b868d-9350-49a9-b52c-b16c4b0e23cc, )
Origin: /Bund/BfG/Geoportal
Tags: Wasserwirtschaftliche Daten ? Abfluss ? Klimavariabilität ? Open Data ? Flussgebiet ? Datenbank ? Hydrologie ? Climate Sensitive ? Discharge Data ? GRDC ? Global ? Global Runoff Data Centre ? Pristine Basin ?
Bounding boxes: -180° .. 180° x -90° .. 90°
License: unbekannt
Language: Deutsch
Modified: 2020-11-05
Time ranges: 2020-11-05 - 2020-11-05
Accessed 1 times.