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Processed seismic data of Cruise BGR 2007 MoBaMaSis

Description: From 15th September to 26th October 2007 BGR together with the German Alfred-Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Bremerhaven, the French Institutes from Brest Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER) and Institut Polaire Français Paul-Emile Victor (the French Polar Institute, IPEV) and the Portuguese Institute Laboratório de Tectonofísica e Tectónica Experimental (LATTEX) conducted a marine geophysical research cruise on the French research vessel R/V MARION DUFRESNE. The cruise BGR07 MoBaMaSis consisted of two legs MD163 off Central Mozambique and MD164 off Southern Mozambique. The main research objective was to contribute to a better understanding of the initial breakup and the early opening of the Eastern Gondwana.

Global identifier:



Origin: /Bund/BGR/Geoportal

Tags: Meeresgeologie ? Seismik ? Geoelektrik ? Daten ? Geologie ? Geophysik ? Rohstoff ? Forschungsschiff ? Meeresforschung ? Indischer Ozean ? Mosambik-Kanal ? Mozambique Channel ? Two-dimensional seismic reflection ? zweidimensionale Reflektionsseismik ?

Bounding boxes: 36.2159° .. 41.0546° x -28.4242° .. -17.2278°

License: all-rights-reserved

Language: Englisch/English


Modified: 2023-11-16

Time ranges: 2023-11-16 - 2023-11-16




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Accessed 1 times.