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INSPIRE: Map of the distribution of sand and gravel in the Northern German glacial area (WMS)

Description: The WMS SuK-Nord (INSPIRE) shows the geological distribution of aggregates (sand and gravel) in Northern Germany, especially north of the southernmost maximum of the Scandinavian inland ice sheet (Saalian and Elsterian glaciation). According to the Data Specification on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) and Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the map provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The WMS GK2000 Lagerstätten (INSPIRE) contains the following layers: MR.MineralOccurence.Commodity represents the distribution of sand and gravel. GE.GeomorphologicFeature shows the southernmost maximum of the Scandinavian inland ice sheet (Saalian and Elsterian glaciation).

Global identifier:



Origin: /Bund/BGR/Geoportal

Tags: Norddeutschland ? Verbreitungskarte ? Bodenschätze ? Eisschild ? INSPIRE-Daten ? Kies ? Lagerstätte ? Sand ? Karte ? Open Data ? Daten ? Geologie ? Verbreitungsgebiet ? Mineralische Bodenschätze ? Regional ? infoMapAccessService ? occurrence ?

Bounding boxes: 5.565° .. 15.572° x 49.25° .. 55.012°

License: geoNutz/20130319

Language: Englisch/English


Modified: 2024-01-25

Time ranges: 2024-01-25 - 2024-01-25




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Accessed 1 times.