Description: This data set builds upon the broadband detection lists of the International Monitoring System (IMS)’s infrasound stations. The infrasound data of these stations are regularly (re-)processed at the German National Data Centre at BGR (e.g., Ceranna et al., 2019; using the Progressive Multi-Channel Correlation (PMCC) array processing method (Cansi, 1995; The latest reprocessing with 26 one-third octave spaced frequency bands in the IMS band of interest (0.01 to 4 Hz) included all 53 stations that were certified within the period 2003 to 2020. Based on the resulting broadband detection lists, this data set expands on former analyses of the coherent ambient noise. For each station with a data availability of at least one year (by the end of 2020), monthly reference histograms for the detection parameters back azimuth, apparent speed, and root-mean-squared amplitude are provided. The histograms provide a means to determine the deviation from nominal monthly behaviour and thus enable assessing the plausibility of detections and potential anomalies – without determining their cause – in the detected parameters. Overall, these quality metrics will be, among other applications, a useful supplement to the open-access IMS infrasound data products provided by Hupe et al., which are also available in BGR’s product centre. Further details of the reference histograms are described in the following publication by Kristoffersen et al.: "Updated global reference models of broadband coherent infrasound signals for atmospheric studies and civilian applications" (
Global identifier:
Uuid( 88a4b405-6d4d-4b9e-a836-4c0f8971c827, )
Origin: /Bund/BGR/Geoportal
Tags: Rechenzentrum ? Geoelektrik ? Open Data ? Vertrag über das umfassende Verbot von Nuklearversuchen ? Daten ? Geräuschanalyse ? Infraschall ? Lärm ? Studie ? Atmosphäre ? IMS ? International Monitoring System ? Kernwaffenteststopp ? spectral models ?
Bounding boxes: -180° .. 180° x -90° .. 90°
License: cc-by/4.0
Language: Englisch/English
Issued: 2022-01-07
Modified: 2022-12-21
Time ranges: 2022-01-07 - 2022-12-21
Accessed 1 times.