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INSPIRE: Organic Matter Content of Top-Soils in Germany 1:1,000,000 (BUEK1000-HUMUS-OB) (WMS)

Description: The WMS of the map „Organic Matter Content of Top-Soils in Germany 1:1,000,000 (INSPIRE)“ highlights the results of a Germany-wide compilation of typical soil organic matter contents in top-soils differentiated according to groups of soil parent material, four climatic areas and the main land use. The evaluation is based on more than 9000 soil data profiles with information about Soil Organic Matter (SOM) from a period of about 20 years. The report 'The Organic Matter Content of Top-Soils in Germany', BGR Archive, No. 0127036 (in German) documents the methodology. To transform the organic matter content (of the original dataset HUMUS1000OB) into INSPIRE-relevant organic carbon content (CORG), we applied the van Bemmelen factor (1.724). According to the “Data Specification on Soil“ (D2.8.III.3_v3.0) and the “Guidelines for the use of Observations & Measurements and Sensor Web Enablement-related standards in INSPIRE“ (D2.9_v3.0) the map “Organic Matter Content of Top-Soils in Germany 1:1,000,000“ provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The data has been transformed into the following INSPIRE-Feature Types (Spatial Object Types): “SoilDerivedObject“, “OM_Observation“ and “OM_Process“.

Global identifier:



Origin: /Bund/BGR/Geoportal

Tags: Main ? Organischer Kohlenstoff ? Kohlenstoffgehalt ? Humus ? Geoobjekt ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Bodendaten ? INSPIRE-Daten ? Organisches Material ? Karte ? Open Data ? Humusgehalt ? Daten ? Flächennutzung ? Messdaten ? Boden ? Bodenprozess ? Corg ? National ? infoMapAccessService ? organic carbon content ? organischer Kohlenstoffgehalt ? sgd_Boden ?

Bounding boxes: 5.56° .. 15.57° x 47.14° .. 55.06°

License: all-rights-reserved

Language: Englisch/English


Modified: 2024-02-28

Time ranges: 2024-02-28 - 2024-02-28




Quality score

Accessed 1 times.