Description: The “Geological Map of Germany 1:1,000,000 OneGeology-Europe (GK1000-1GE)” shows Germany’s surface geology: All geological units are described by their age (stratigraphy) and composition (lithology). The geological units and terms used in this map were semantically harmonized within the OneGeology-Europe project and have been - in a number of regions - geometrically and semantically made consistent with the neighbouring OneGeology-Europe participants.
Global identifier:
Uuid( 908b2f4f-5b3a-47cb-9b40-6f76c9db5389, )
Origin: /Bund/BGR/Geoportal
Tags: Geologische Karte ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Stratigraphie ? Karte ? Geologie ? Gesteinskunde ? Geowissenschaften ? Anstehendes Gestein ? Bedrock ? EGDI ? Harmonisierte Daten ? Harmonisierte Geologie ? Harmonisiertes Alter ? Harmonized age ? Harmonized data ? Harmonized geology ? Lithologie ? Oberflächenablagerung ? Oberflächengeologie ? OneGeology ? OneGeology-Europe ? Superficial deposits ? Surface geology ? infoMapAccessService ?
Bounding boxes: 5.5° .. 15.5° x 47.25° .. 55°
License: all-rights-reserved
Language: Englisch/English
Modified: 2024-01-24
Time ranges: 2024-01-24 - 2024-01-24
Accessed 1 times.