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Processed seismic data of Cruise BGR13-2 2013 (PANORAMA-1)

Description: The research cruise PANORAMA-1 onboard the Italian vessel OGS Explora was carried out within 2 legs in the period August, 16th – September 17th 2013. The designated survey area was located in a sector of the European Arctic north of Svalbard covering an area north of 80°N between 15°E and 35°E. Main objectives were to acquire new geophysical data and extract near surface sediment samples in an underexplored area of the European Arctic with special focus on the transition zone from the North Barents shelf towards the oceanic Nansen basin. During leg 1 of the cruise a 20 days geophysical survey 1056 km of multi-channel seismic data was acquired supplemented by a 221 km long sonobuoy profile. Additionally, magnetic and sediment echosounding data was acquired along these profiles. During all operations within the survey area gravity and multibeam echosounding data was continuously acquired. After a 1 day stopover in Longyearbyen in order to exchange part of the scientific crew OGS Explora returned to the survey area to continue survey operations during leg 2. Within these 10 days period near surface sediments were extracted by means of a gravity corer at 12 locations and heat flow soundings were conducted at 7 locations. Gravity, sediment and multibeam echosounding data was continuously acquired along all transit lines within the survey area during leg 2. Total line length of magnetic data was 2658.7 km. Over all track lines with bathymetric and gravity data amount to 5665.8 km in total.

Global identifier:



Origin: /Bund/BGR/Geoportal

Tags: Main ? Kontinentalschelf ? Meeresgeologie ? Seismik ? Geoelektrik ? Arktis ? Geophysikalische Erkundung ? Gewässervermessung ? Daten ? Geologie ? Geophysik ? Rohstoff ? Sediment ? Barentssee ? Nansen Basin ? Nansen-Becken ? Spitzbergen ? Svalbard ? Two-dimensional seismic reflection ? zweidimensionale Reflektionsseismik ?

Bounding boxes: 17.559° .. 34.4927° x 80.2815° .. 83.26415°

License: all-rights-reserved

Language: Englisch/English


Modified: 2023-11-14

Time ranges: 2023-11-14 - 2023-11-14




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Accessed 1 times.