Description: Welcome to the German Informative Inventory Report 2024 (IIR 2024). This report covers the preparation, maintenance, and improvement of the German air pollutant emission inventory. Emission estimates are provided for the timeseries from 1990 to 2022 , with exceptions for fine particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters of ≤2.5 (PM 2.5 ) or ≤10µm (PM 10 ) respectively with data as of 1995 , and black carbon (BC) with data as of 2000 . For faster navigation please refer to the TABLE OF CONTENTS . The report was produced by the national co-ordination agency (single entity) for the National System of Emissions Inventories (Nationales Systems Emissionsinventare; NaSE), sited within the German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA). Information on agriculture, changes in land use and forestry was provided by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and the Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, Institute of Agricultural Climate Research (vTI - AK). More information is available on the emission web site of the German Environment Agency (UBA). For further questions contact Michael Kotzulla, Tel. +49 (0)340 2103 3071 or Dr. Kevin Hausmann, Tel. +49 (0)340 2103 2192.
Text { text_type: Report, }
Origin: /Bund/UBA/German Informative Inventory Report
Tags: Aerodynamik ? Ministerium ? Strömungstechnik ? PM2,5 ? Emissionsinventar ? Black Carbon ? Luftschadstoffemission ? Feinstaub ? Landnutzungsänderung ? Daten ? Navigation ? Standortwahl ? Klimaforschung ? Fischerei ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Ländlicher Raum ?
License: all-rights-reserved
Language: Englisch/English
Modified: 2024-11-06
Time ranges: 2024-11-06 - 2024-11-06
Accessed 1 times.