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North Rhine-Westphalia Office of Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (LANUV) - Competence for a state worth living in

Description: LANUV currently employs a workforce of around 1,400 people who have all kinds of training, specialisations and qualifications. Important principles pursued in LANUV are respectful behaviour, an exchange across departments and the work/life balance. LANUV has been certified to the “berufundfamilie” audit since 2017. LANUV will develop further into a model government agency for sustainability management. Info 57 | LANUV 2024

Text {
    text_type: Publication,

Origin: /Land/Nordrhein-Westfalen/LANUV

Tags: Nordrhein-Westfalen ? Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement ? Kind ? Bilanz ? Länderkompetenz ? Verbraucherschutz ?

Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen

Bounding boxes: 5.8662503506944965° .. 9.461478369125558° x 50.32301195258359° .. 52.53144342795185°

License: other-closed

Language: Deutsch




Quality score

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