Description: For centuries people have built constructions in and on watercourses for example to drive mill wheels or to irrigate the land. Usually, constructions have been built perpendicular or diagonal to the flow direction of the river. They have an influence on water flow, migration of organisms and bed-load transport. Thus, the continuity of rivers is limited or is non-existent. The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) sees river continuity as mandatory to achieve the good ecological status. The directive “Infrastructure for Spacial Information in Europe” (INSPIRE) regards river constructions as an inventory of water management activities and obliges member states to publish the corresponding spatial data. The present document enables a standardised and digital survey of constructions in and on rivers for the first time in German-speaking regions. The term “construction” describes here selected technical installations which can directly affect river morphology, discharge dynamics, water flow, sediment transport and organisms’ migration as well as indirectly influence water quality, for instance oxygen content and temperature balance. The described procedure is based on experiences and knowledge gained since the statewide survey of river morphology in the years 2011 to 2013. Detailed knowledge of the assignment of constructions to the various categories, groups of types and construction types is not required. Rather, a dichotomous decision tree based on measurable parameters, clearly visible in the field, leads the surveyor to the respective construction type. Each type is described in the annex and the variety of forms is documented with numerous photos. A survey of river constructions performed according to the present method can be carried out simultaneously with a river morphology survey or separately. Using the software BEACH, the recorded data can be stored and used together in a database, for example for movie 1: complex construction Beyenburg at the Wupper movie 2: complex construction Beyenburg at the Ruhr movie 3: Survey of transverse constructions Arbeitsblatt 38 | LANUV 2023 Arbeitsblatt 18, english version | LANUV 2024
Text { text_type: Publication, }
Origin: /Land/Nordrhein-Westfalen/LANUV
Tags: Wupper ? Fluss ? Baum ? Fließgewässer ? Morphologie ? Rhein ? Ruhr ? Geodateninfrastruktur ? Brunnenbau ? Geschiebefracht ? Ökologischer Zustand ? Software ? Wasserrahmenrichtlinie ? INSPIRE-Richtlinie ? Bilanz ? Daten ? Wasserströmung ? Mühle ? Rechtsnachfolge ? Sauerstoffgehalt ? Strand ? Wasserqualität ? Datenbank ? Sedimenttransport ? Wasserwirtschaft ?
Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen
Bounding boxes: 5.8662503506944965° .. 9.461478369125558° x 50.32301195258359° .. 52.53144342795185°
License: other-closed
Language: Deutsch
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