Description: River morphology should be used as a general basis for evaluation of the renaturation of rivers, for the planning and evaluation of watercourse development but also for the assessment of possible impacts by harmful interventions. The mapping procedure of river morphology is designed as a tool for planning and for decision-making in the different fields of application. The results gained from the application of this procedure may serve for the following purposes: The survey of the morphological quality of waters is performed by an on-site recording in direct contact with the river. The structures of the riverbed (bed and -banks) and of the adjacent land zones (floodplain) are recorded and evaluated. The data collection is performed by means of standardised questionnaires or in North Rhine-Westphalia digitally by the mapping software, called BEACH. As standard for the assessment serves the present-day potential natural state (Leitbild). This approach will enable to assess the morphological quality of rivers objectively on a scale according to the increasing deviations from the natural conditions on a scientific basis. The assessment enables to derive measures which are necessary for a river development and for maintenance work close to nature. The presented procedure has been developed for natural rivers. Since there often is no difference be-tween morphological strongly changed natural rivers und artificially constructed rivers with respect to morphology, it can also be applied for heavily modified and artificial rivers (e. g., water moats and small water watercourses). The procedure is applicable in the landscape or in built-up areas. It is designed for the survey mapping of all sizes of rivers from the source to its mouth. The presented mapping instruction is based on the first edition of the Arbeitsblatt 18 „River Morphology in North Rhine-Westphalia – mapping instruction for small to large rivers” (LANUV 2012) and on the two previous procedures for small to middle-sized rivers (LUA 1998) and medium-sized to large rivers (LUA 2001c) as well as the revised LAWA-procedure recommendation for the mapping of small to medium-sized and medium-sized to large rivers (LAWA 2018). Please note that in 2023 a third revised edition of the Arbeitsblatt 18 was published. The German version can be downloaded following this link .
Text { text_type: Publication, }
Origin: /Land/Nordrhein-Westfalen/LANUV
Tags: Nordrhein-Westfalen ? Fluss ? Fließgewässer ? Morphologie ? Fragebogen ? Habitat ? Renaturierung ? Software ? Flussaue ? Gewässerqualität ? Planungsgebiet ? Strand ? Wirkungsanalyse ? Wasser ? Datenerhebung ? Landschaft ? Naturpotential ? Bebaute Fläche ?
Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen
Bounding boxes: 5.8662503506944965° .. 9.461478369125558° x 50.32301195258359° .. 52.53144342795185°
License: other-closed
Language: Deutsch
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