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Experimental data of analogue models of subduction investigating the interplays between mantle flow and slab pull

Description: Abstract

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Origin: /Wissenschaft/Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft/GFZ Helmholtz-Zentrum für Geoforschung

Tags: Graben ? Daten ? Viskosität ? Density ? Digital Image Correlation (DIC) / Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) ? EARTH SCIENCE > SOLID EARTH > GEOMORPHIC LANDFORMS/PROCESSES > TECTONIC PROCESSES > SUBDUCTION ? EARTH SCIENCE > SOLID EARTH > TECTONICS > PLATE TECTONICS > PLATE BOUNDARIES ? EARTH SCIENCE > SOLID EARTH > TECTONICS > PLATE TECTONICS > STRAIN ? EPOS ? European Plate Observing System ? Generic camera ? Golden syrup ? Matlab (Mathworks) ? Rheometer ? Silicon/Silly putty/PDMS ? Subduction box ? Time lapse camera ? analog modelling results ? analogue models ? analogue models of geologic processes ? earth interior setting > mantle setting ? mantle flow ? multi-scale laboratories ? plate tectonics ? slab geometry ? slab pull ? subduction ? tectonic process > subduction ? tectonic setting > plate margin setting > subduction zone setting ? trench curvature ? viscous forces ?

License: cc-by/4.0

Language: unbekannt



Issued: 2021-01-01

Time ranges: 2021-01-01 - 2021-01-01


Quality score

Accessed 1 times.