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Stratigraphic and Multi Scanner Core Logging (MSCL) data plus supplementary luminescence dating material obtained from the scientific drilling QDR-RE-IfG and its drill site in the Aare Valley, Bern CH

Description: Abstract

Global identifier:



Origin: /Wissenschaft/Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft/GFZ Helmholtz-Zentrum für Geoforschung

Tags: Lumineszenz ? Holzeinschlag ? Scanner ? Bohrkern ? Daten ? Tal ? EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > SOILS > ORGANIC MATTER ? EARTH SCIENCE > PALEOCLIMATE > LAND RECORDS > GLACIATION ? EARTH SCIENCE > SOLID EARTH > ROCKS/MINERALS/CRYSTALS > SEDIMENTARY ROCKS > SEDIMENTARY ROCK PHYSICAL/OPTICAL PROPERTIES > LUMINESCENCE ? In Situ/Laboratory Instruments > Corers > SEDIMENT CORERS ? Phanerozoic > Cenozoic > Quaternary > Pleistocene ? Quaternary ? compound material > unconsolidated material > natural unconsolidated material > sediment > clastic sediment ? glacial sediments ? industrial process > drilling ? luminescence dating ? methodology > dating ? overdeepening ? scientific drilling ? stratigraphic sequence ?

License: cc-by/4.0

Language: unbekannt



Issued: 2021-01-01

Time ranges: 2021-01-01 - 2021-01-01


Quality score

Accessed 1 times.