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The occurrence of Vibrio spp. in the salinity gradient of shallow coastal waters of the Baltic Sea – data set including environmental and microbiological data (EU Biodiversa project BaltVib).

Description: The main aim of the BaltVib sampling campaign was to analyse the microbial community composition in pelagic and benthic habitats with special focus on Vibrio spp. bacteria inside and outside of eelgrass meadows (Zostera marina), and selected macroalgae populations (Fucus spp.) in the salinity gradient of shallow coastal waters of the Baltic Sea. The temporal extent of the dataset is 25.07.2021 to 02.09.2021. The geographic extent of the dataset is spanning from 9°52,655 E to 25°00,698 W and 60°06,547 N to 54°00,8666 S. The measurement depth ranges from 0.2 meters to 7 meters. Salinity ranges from 4 to 14. Environmental parameters measured are: conductivity, temperature, pH, Secchi depth, chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen, ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, silicate, grain size, dissolved organic carbon, dissolved nitrogen, particulate organic nitrogen, particulate organic carbon. Vibrio spp. colony forming units were counted using TCBS agar plates. Abundance of Vibrio vulnificus was determined by ddPCR in water and sediment samples as well as in Zostera marina surface biofilm. Cell counts by flow cytometry contain: Synechococcus, Picoeukaryota, Nanoeukaryota, high-nucleic acid bacteria, low-nucleic acid bacteria. Macrophyte abundance was measured for Zostera marina and Fucus spp..

Global identifier:



Origin: /Wissenschaft/Leibniz-Gemeinschaft/Institut für Ostseeforschung

Tags: Ammonium ? Ammoniumnitrat ? Nitrit ? Phosphat ? Silikat ? Nitrat ? Makrophyten ? Nährstoff ? Organische Stickstoffverbindung ? Wiese ? Gelöster Sauerstoff ? Makroalgen ? Biofilm ? Habitat ? Küstengewässer ? Temperatur ? Bakterien ? Salzgehalt ? Leitfähigkeit ? Wasserprobe ? Sediment ? Trübung ? Wasserstand ? Ostsee ? Secchi Depth ? Abundance Fucus sp. ? pH ? Abundance Mytilus spp. ? Abundance Potamogeton sp. ? Abundance Ruppia maritima ? Abundance Zostera marina ? Cell count ? Chlorophyll a ? Colony forming units (CFU's) green Vibrio spp ? Colony forming units (CFU's) yellow Vibrio spp. ? Dissolved nitrogen (DN) ? Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) ? Dissolved oxygen saturation ? Downloadable Data ? Grainsize ? Length Chara spp. ? Length Fucus sp. ? Length Potamogeton sp. ? Length Ruppia maritima ? Length Zostera marina leaves ? Mytilus spp. ? Particulate organic carbon (POC) ? Particulate organic nitrogen (PON) ? Press ? Abundance Chara spp. ? Sediment dry weight ?

Bounding boxes: 9.877° .. 25.012° x 54.014° .. 60.109°

License: unbekannt

Language: Englisch/English



Modified: 2023-08-10

Time ranges: 2021-07-25 - 2021-09-02



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Accessed 1 times.