Description: # Positionen RLD: soil profile wall frame in CF 1-1 and CF 1-2 (field of interest) # control: absolute RLD data on each box for different sampling dates in the control plot # RLD_control: dataset used to visualize the 2D RLD in the control plot # control_sim: dataset used to optimized sensitive root system parameters # deep_loosening: absolute RLD data on each box for different sampling dates in DL plot # RLD_DL: dataset used to visualize the 2D RLD in DL plot
Global identifier:
Uuid( d9155882-b976-44c7-bb60-a159cb091992, )
Origin: /Wissenschaft/Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft/Forschungszentrum Jülich/TERENO Geoportal
Tags: Pflanzenwurzel ? Bodenprofil ? Daten ? Addresses ? Soil3 ? bulk density ? klein altendorf ?
Bounding boxes: 5.869443° .. 15.03805° x 47.281101° .. 54.9174°
License: unbekannt
Language: unbekannt
Accessed 1 times.