Description: Rural Payments Agency (RPA) data extracts for UK Humber case study region. 1) PARCELS.shp - A shapefile containing individual polygons for all current registered parcels within the specified area at the time of processing the data request (as of 07/05/2020). 2) ELIGIBLE_AREAS.csv - This contains data for all registered parcels within the specified area and their total area eligible for BPS in each year between 2015 and 2019. This includes the total field size and area of each field eligible for BPS. 3) ORGANIC_PARCELS.csv - This dataset contains details of all parcels in the area where certificate information has been provided by the customer to confirm that these parcels are certified as organic. 4) BPS_CLAIM_AREA.csv - This data contains details of individual crop types and areas as declared by the customer which were activated for payment and the linked claim was valid for payment, between 2015 and 2019. 5) EFA_AREAS.csv - This contains customers declarations made towards Ecological Focus Areas for each year between 2015 and 2019
Global identifier:
Uuid( 284d145b-802c-40f9-bf60-40dbefddef62, )
Origin: /Wissenschaft/Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft/Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ/Metadatenkatalog
Tags: Vereinigtes Königreich ? Pflanzenbestand ? Daten ? Fallstudie ? Ökologische Vorrangfläche ? Landwirtschaft ? Case Study Base Layer ? Land Use/Land Cover ?
Bounding boxes: -6.41894185058714° .. 1.7689121033873° x 49.8646362595373° .. 55.8116598334548°
License: unbekannt
Language: Englisch/English
Modified: 2024-03-11
Time ranges: 2015-01-01 - 2019-12-31
Accessed 1 times.