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Emissionsmessungen von alveolengängigem kristallinen Siliziumdioxid (RCS) an Industrieanlagen

Description: The potential risk from human exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS) includes a range of serious non-malignant effects as well as lung cancer, which may occur at relatively low levels. In a previous study, investigating several industrial sectors, we found the highest emission levels of RCS in the industrial silica sand operations. 28 different sand processing facilities were examined in two complex emission measurement programmes. A two-stage cascade impactor was used to separate the particle fractions: > 10 Ìm, 10-4 Ìm and < 4 Ìm of aerodynamic diameter. The size of particles of most concern is the so-called particulate matter 4 (PM4). The analytical procedure for determining RCS in emission samples consists of using X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy methods. The relationship between Total Particulate Matter (TPM), PM4 and RCS (as a percentage of PM4) was evaluated. In the case of increased Total Particulate Matter concentration in the stack gas (more than 20 mg/m3) combined with increased percentage of RCS in PM4 an exceedance of an Emission Limit Value (ELV) of 1 mg/m3 is more likely to occur. The evaluation of the emission data helped to formulate differentiated emission control requirements of the plants concerning the draft of the new German Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control (new German TA Luft). It was possible to demonstrate, under which conditions for the specific processing techniques used, emission limits for Total Particulate Matter can be used as a threshold value for the Respirable Crystalline Silica emission. If the mass fraction of quartz in the source rock to be processed is more than 20%, periodic measurements of Respirable Crystalline Silica will be necessary every three years on grinders, whereas they will be only necessary on dryers if the Total Dust concentration exceeds 5 mg/m3. © 2021, VDI Fachmedien GmBH & Co. KG. All rights reserved.

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Origin: /Bund/UBA/openUMWELT

Tags: Celluloseacetat ? Siliziumdioxid ? TA Luft ? Staub ? Luftqualitätsüberwachung ? Luftreinhaltung ? Partikelgrößenverteilung ? Luftverschmutzung ? Sand ? Granit ? Gesamtstaub ? Emissionsmessung ? Industrieproduktion ? Industrieanlage ? Zerkleinerung ?

License: other-closed

Language: Deutsch


Issued: 2021-01-01

Time ranges: 2021-01-01 - 2021-01-01


Quality score

Accessed 1 times.