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Test scenarios for the determination of sound emissions from road, rail, industry and the calculation of the propagation of sound (BUB), the calculation of environmental noise from airports (BUF) and assessment of the noise exposure of affected persons (BEB) according to Directive (EU) 2015/996

Description: To improve the noise situation in Europe, the EU issued the Environmental Noise Directive (2002/49/EC) in 2002. It was transposed into German law in 2005. The aim is to reduce environmental noise and prevent an increase in noise in previously quiet areas. To this end, noise pollution is to be recorded in noise maps by means of uniform assessment methods for noise indices in Europe and then reduced by means of concrete measures. In recent years, the EU has developed these methods under the acronym CNOSSOS-EU (Common Noise Assessment Methods in Europe) with the participation of the Member States. These calculation methods were introduced by an amendment to Annex II of the EU Environmental Noise Directive 2015 as Directive (EU) 2015/996 [1] for subsequent national implementation ([2] to [6]) and are to be applied by all Member States as of 1 January 2019. In this documentation, the methods for the determination of sound emissions, the calculation of sound propagation and the assessment of noise exposure are applied to exemplary scenarios. A distinction is made between noise from sources close to the ground (road, rail, industry) and sources from air traffic (aircraft noise). In accordance with the calculation regulations [2] to [6], model calculations (creating scenarios and test cases) are documented in detail. This way, a quality assurance of noise calculations in accordance with DIN 45687 [11] is made possible and a uniform and comprehensible application of the methods is ensured throughout Germany. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.de

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Origin: /Bund/UBA/openUMWELT

Tags: Beton ? Fluglärm ? Lärmkarte ? Schienenverkehrslärm ? Flugplatz ? Geräuschemission ? EU-Umgebungslärmrichtlinie ? Emissionsszenario ? Industrielärm ? Reifengeräusch ? Schallemission ? Szenario ? Qualitätsmanagement ? Lärmberechnung ? Umgebungslärm ? Berechnungsverfahren ? Bewertungsverfahren ? Eisenbahn ? Emissionsberechnung ? Lärmbelastung ? Lärmbewertung ? Luftverkehr ? Schallausbreitung ? Modellierung ? Europa ? Lärmindex ? Verkehr ? airport noise ?

License: other-closed

Language: Englisch/English


Issued: 2019-01-01

Time ranges: 2019-01-01 - 2019-01-01


Quality score

Accessed 1 times.