Description: The study analyses the country background, emissions trends, ongoing activities and barriers relating to the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Ethiopia under the UNFCCC. A special emphasis is laid on further mitigation potentials in the fields of agriculture, forestry and low-emission transport.
Global identifier:
Doi( "10.60810/openumwelt-2615", )
Origin: /Bund/UBA/openUMWELT
Tags: LULUCF ? Äthiopien ? Klimarahmenkonvention ? Studie ? Minderungspotenzial ? Climate | Energy ? Klima | Energie ? LULUCF [Kyoto-Protokoll] ? Nationally Determined Contribution ?
License: other-closed
Language: Englisch/English
Issued: 2018-01-01
Time ranges: 2018-01-01 - 2018-01-01
Accessed 1 times.