Description: The present Manual summarizes the provisions, measurement procedures and legal framework of the 1st Federal Immission Control Ordinance. In addition to a description of measurement objectives, information on measurement technology is provided. This document also describes the emission measurement procedure as well as the involvement and responsibilities of the competent bodies. It also describes quality management measures and looks at the procedure of performance testing of measuring systems including performance criteria and test designs.
Global identifier:
Doi( "10.60810/openumwelt-6878", )
Origin: /Bund/UBA/openUMWELT
Tags: Anlagengenehmigung ? Messeinrichtung ? Verordnung über kleine und mittlere Feuerungsanlagen ? Emissionsüberwachung ? Bundesimmissionsschutzverordnung ? Kleinfeuerungsanlage ? Messtechnik ? Luft ? Qualitätsmanagement ? Emissionsmessung ? Genehmigungsbedürftige Anlage ? Messverfahren ? 1st BImSchV ? Eignungsprüfung ? Schornsteinfeger ? chimney sweeps ? measurement device ? monitoring measurement ? performance test ?
License: other-closed
Language: Englisch/English
Issued: 2017-01-01
Time ranges: 2017-01-01 - 2017-01-01
Accessed 1 times.