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Markt für Gips, mineralisch

Description: technologyComment of gypsum quarry operation (CH): open pit mining; composition of products: 65% gypsum, 34% anhydrite, 1% others.

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Comment: This is a market activity. Each market represents the consumption mix of a product in a given geography, connecting suppliers with consumers of the same product in the same geographical area. Markets group the producers and also the imports of the product (if relevant) within the same geographical area. They also account for transport to the consumer and for the losses during that process, when relevant. This is the market for 'gypsum, mineral', in the geography of Europe. A regional market for Europe [RER] is motivated by the low share (in the range of 2.5%-6.2% of total trade quantities between 2010-2016) of import quantities to EU28 from outside (excluding Norway and Switzerland) the Union. In addition, the export quantities exceeded the import quantities (the ratio export/import was in the range of 13.17-47.35 in the same period). Source: Eurostat database, EU trade since 1988 by HS6 (DS-016893), HS6-code: 252010 - GYPSUM; ANHYDRITE, Assessed on: 2018-02-02. The product "gypsum, mineral" represents the natural mineral CaSO4 * 2 H2O, milled. It is mined together with anhydrite rock in open pit mining. The output of the mine is crushed and sorted. The intermediate products are composed of about 65% natural gypsum (CaSO4 * 2 H2O), 34% natural anhydrite rock (CaSO4) and 1% soil and gravel that are deposited back in the mine. The material is gained by blasting and digging. Gypsum is used by the cement industry; as a filler in the paper industry, and as raw material for (burned) anhydrite and stucco. This market is supplied by the following activities with the given share: gypsum quarry operation, CH: 1.0 generalComment of gypsum quarry operation (CH): The multi-output-process 'mining, gypsum' delivers the co-products 'gypsum, mineral, at mine' and 'anhydrite rock, at mine'. Allocation is done by weight. In some mines anhydrite is not exploited but left in the mine. Since the electricity consumption has a relevant share on the total energy consumption, the choice of the energy mix is important. For gypsum mined in countries with high fossil share in the electricity mix this module has to be adopted accordingly. [This dataset was already contained in the ecoinvent database version 2. It was not individually updated during the transfer to ecoinvent version 3. Life Cycle Impact Assessment results may still have changed, as they are affected by changes in the supply chain, i.e. in other datasets. This dataset was generated following the ecoinvent quality guidelines for version 2. It may have been subject to central changes described in the ecoinvent version 3 change report (http://www.ecoinvent.org/database/ecoinvent-version-3/reports-of-changes/), and the results of the central updates were reviewed extensively. The changes added e.g. consistent water flows and other information throughout the database. The documentation of this dataset can be found in the ecoinvent reports of version 2, which are still available via the ecoinvent website. The change report linked above covers all central changes that were made during the conversion process.]

Origin: /Bund/UBA/ProBas

Tags: Gips ? Mining and quarrying ? Other mining and quarrying ? Quarrying of stone, sand and clay ?

License: unbekannt

Language: Deutsch




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