Description: technologyComment of ammonia production, steam reforming, liquid (RER w/o RU): This datasets corresponds to the technology used in European ammonia plants with natural gas based fuel and feedstock. The most efficient way of ammonia synthesis gas production is natural gas reforming with steam and air. The ammonia production process consists of several steps: desulphurization, primary production, secondary reforming, shift conversion, CO2 removal, methanation, synthesis gas compression and ammonia synthesis. technologyComment of ammonia production, steam reforming, liquid (RU): This datasets corresponds to the technology used in Russian ammonia plants with natural gas based fuel and feedstock. The most efficient way of ammonia synthesis gas production is natural gas reforming with steam and air. The ammonia production process consists of several steps: desulphurization, primary production, secondary reforming, shift conversion, CO2 removal, methanation, synthesis gas compression and ammonia synthesis. technologyComment of cocamide diethanolamine production (RER): Cocamide diethanolamine can be produced from different reaction of diethanolamine with methyl cocoate, coconut oil, whole coconut acids, stripped coconut fatty acids. Cocamide diethanolamine is modelled here as the 1:1 reaction of coconut oil and diethanolamine. The reaction occurs at a maximum temperature of 170 degrees Celcius with the aid of an alkaline catalyst. The catalyst in not consider significant in terms of emissions for the reaction and it is therefore not included in this dataset and it is assumed to be taken into consideration in the input of chemical factory. The production process can also be a 1:2 fatty acids reaction. This results in a lower quality product with output of free diethanolamine and ethylene glycol (Elbers 2013). Coconut oil composition varies, here it assumed an average composition CH3(CH2)12CONH2. This inventory representing production of a particular chemical compound is at least partially based on a generic model on the production of chemicals. The data generated by this model have been improved by compound-specific data when available. The model on production of chemicals is using specific industry or literature data wherever possible and more generic data on chemical production processes to fill compound-specific data gaps when necessary. The basic principles of the model have been published in literature (Hischier 2005, Establishing Life Cycle Inventories of Chemicals Based on Differing Data Availability). The model has been updated and extended with newly available data from the chemical industry. In the model, unreacted fractions are treated in a waste treatment process, and emissions reported are after a waste treatment process that is included in the scope of this dataset. For volatile reactants, a small level of evaporation is assumed. Solvents and catalysts are mostly recycled in closed-loop systems within the scope of the dataset and reported flows are for losses from this system. The main source of information for the values for heat, electricity, water (process and cooling), nitrogen, chemical factory is industry data from Gendorf. The values are a 5-year average of data (2011 - 2015) published by the Gendorf factory (Gendorf, 2016, Umwelterklärung,, (Gendorf, 2015, Umwelterklärung,, (Gendorf, 2014, Umwelterklärung, The Gendorf factory is based in Germany, it produces a wide range of chemical substances. The factory produced 1657400 tonnes of chemical substances in the year 2015 (Gendorf, 2016, Umwelterklärung, and 740000 tonnes of intermediate products. Reference(s): Hischier, R. (2005) Establishing Life Cycle Inventories of Chemicals Based on Differing Data Availability (9 pp). The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Volume 10, Issue 1, pp 59–67. 10.1065/lca2004.10.181.7 Gendorf (2016) Umwelterklärung 2015, Werk Gendorf Industriepark, Elbers, E. 2013. Some Chemicals Present in Industrial and Consumer Products, Food and Drinking-water. In IARC MONOGRAPHS ON THE EVALUATION OF CARCINOGENIC RISKS TO HUMANS, Vol.101, pp.141-148 WHO Press, Geneva. For more information on the model please refer to the dedicate ecoinvent report, access it in the Report section of ecoQuery (
Text { text_type: Report, }
Comment: This is a market activity. Each market represents the consumption mix of a product in a given geography, connecting suppliers with consumers of the same product in the same geographical area. Markets group the producers and also the imports of the product (if relevant) within the same geographical area. They also account for transport to the consumer and for the losses during that process, when relevant. This dataset is a consumption mix, representing the supply of ''ammonia, anhydrous, liquid'' from activities that produce it, to activities that consume it within the geography of this dataset, Europe. If 1 kg of this 'ammonia, anhydrous, liquid' is used as fertiliser, it is equivalent to circa 0.822 kg of Nitrogen as N. The dataset considers transportation from the producer to the consumer of this product, transportation distances are based on default transport distances for markets (found in file 'Default Transport Assumptions' at 'Ammonia, anhydrous, liquid' is an inorganic substance with a CAS no. : 7664-41-7. It is called 'ammonia' under IUPAC naming and its molecular formula is: H3N. It is gaseous in normal conditions of temperature and pressure and has a distinct pungent odor. On a consumer level, 'ammonia, anhydrous, liquid' is used in the following products: cosmetics and personal care products, heat transfer fluids, washing & cleaning products and coating products. On industrial sites, the substance is used for the manufacture of products in the following sectors: chemicals, textile, leather or fur, pulp, paper and paper products, plastic products and fabricated metal products. Based on EU regulations (REGULATION (EU) 2019/1009), if this substance would be used as fertiliser, it could be labelled as N-P-K of: (82-0-0). Total production volume of ammonia on a European level including all Russian production. This market is supplied by the following activities with the given share: ammonia production, steam reforming, liquid, RER w/o RU: 0.540442798297156 ammonia production, steam reforming, liquid, RU: 0.459531814884796 cocamide diethanolamine production, RER: 2.53868180476952e-05 generalComment of ammonia production, steam reforming, liquid (RU): This dataset represents the production of 1 kg of liquid ammonia (100% NH3) using the steam reforming process. About 85% of the world ammonia production is using this technology. Ammonia is a colourless gas with a penetrating, pungent suffocating odour. It is liquid when under pressure. It is hygroscopic and soluble in water (89.9 g/L at 0°C). The most important use for ammonia is as a supply of vital agricultural nitrogen for crops. It is either applied as a fertiliser directly or it is used as a feedstock in the manufacture of urea, ammonium nitrate or nitric acid. The industrial use of ammonia as a nitrogen source has consumed an increasingly greater share of total ammonia production, amounting now to about 20% of world output. Virtually all nitrogen used in the chemical industry enters the process as ammonia. The major uses of industrial ammonia-nitrogen , in part after conversion into nitric acid, are the manufacture of plastics and fibres. Other important applications are the manufacture of explosives, hydrazine, amines, amides, nitriles, and other organic nitrogen compounds serving as intermediates for dyes and pharmaceuticals. The most important products manufactured from ammonia are nitric acid, urea, sodium cyanide and sodium carbonate. Ammonia is used in the area of environmental protection to remove SO2 and NOx from steam boiler flue gases. The resulting ammonium sulphate (and sometimes ammonium nitrate) is marketed as a fertiliser product. Liquid ammonia has a considerable importance as a solvent. Ammonia is also used in the nitriding of steel. It is also still used as a refrigerant in industrial and commercial refrigeration and air-conditioning installations. Ammonia is an inexpensive and easily managed starting material for manufacturing protective gas mixtures for chemical products and for metal-working processes. It is also used for manufacturing hydrogen and is even proposed for use in energy-related applications. In this process, sulfur content of naturag gas is catalysed in a molybdenum (or other) catalyst with the addition of zinc oxide. This specific part of air pollution control (APC) is not taken into account in this dataset. A user should consider modelling the appropriate catalyst as no sulfur emissions are taken into account as well. The process generates 1.44 kg of CO2 per kg of NH3. Ammonia production takes the full burden of this CO2 as an emission to the environment. In certain regions urea plants are located adjacent to ammonia plants where part of this CO2 is fed into the urea production. Therefore, urea production takes the relevant CO2 credit in the form of a negative CO2 emission. The main data sources for this dataset are Fertilizers Europe (2014, 2016). Additional data sources are listed as follows. References: Fertilizers Europe (2000): Best Available Techniques for Pollution Prevention and Control in the European Fertilizer Industry. Booklet No. 1 of 8: Production of Ammonia. Fertilizers Europe, Brussels. Kongshaug G. (1998): Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Fertilizer Production. IFA 20th July 1998 Davies J., Haglund C. (1999): Life Cycle Inventory of Fertiliser Production. SIK-Report No 654 1999. Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. Fertilizers Europe (2014): Average Emissions Year 2011. Fertilizers Europe Environmental report (internal). Fertilizers Europe (2016): Carbon Footprint Calculator for Fertilizer Production. Specification. Version 2.1 Fertilizers Europe (2016): Average Emissions Year 2014. Fertilizers Europe Environmental report (internal). Used for updated energy and GHG emission in Carbon Footprint Calculator Phillip Townsend Associates Inc. (2016): Ammonia Plant Energy Efficiency and CO2 Emissions Benchmarking 2013-2014. Internal report for Fertilizers Europe. Integer Research (2016): Regional N2O and CO2emissions from ammonia and nitric acid production 2014. Internal report for Fertilizers Europe. Althaus H.-J., Chudacoff M., Hischier R., Jungbluth N., Osses M. and Primas A. (2007) Life Cycle Inventories of Chemicals. ecoinvent report No. 8, v2.0. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, CH. [This dataset is meant to replace the following datasets:] generalComment of ammonia production, steam reforming, liquid (RER w/o RU): This dataset represents the production of 1 kg of liquid ammonia (100% NH3) using the steam reforming process. About 85% of the world ammonia production is using this technology. Ammonia is a colourless gas with a penetrating, pungent suffocating odour. It is liquid when under pressure. It is hygroscopic and soluble in water (89.9 g/L at 0°C). The most important use for ammonia is as a supply of vital agricultural nitrogen for crops. It is either applied as a fertiliser directly or it is used as a feedstock in the manufacture of urea, ammonium nitrate or nitric acid. The industrial use of ammonia as a nitrogen source has consumed an increasingly greater share of total ammonia production, amounting now to about 20% of world output. Virtually all nitrogen used in the chemical industry enters the process as ammonia. The major uses of industrial ammonia-nitrogen , in part after conversion into nitric acid, are the manufacture of plastics and fibres. Other important applications are the manufacture of explosives, hydrazine, amines, amides, nitriles, and other organic nitrogen compounds serving as intermediates for dyes and pharmaceuticals. The most important products manufactured from ammonia are nitric acid, urea, sodium cyanide and sodium carbonate. Ammonia is used in the area of environmental protection to remove SO2 and NOx from steam boiler flue gases. The resulting ammonium sulphate (and sometimes ammonium nitrate) is marketed as a fertiliser product. Liquid ammonia has a considerable importance as a solvent. Ammonia is also used in the nitriding of steel. It is also still used as a refrigerant in industrial and commercial refrigeration and air-conditioning installations. Ammonia is an inexpensive and easily managed starting material for manufacturing protective gas mixtures for chemical products and for metal-working processes. It is also used for manufacturing hydrogen and is even proposed for use in energy-related applications. In this process, sulfur content of naturag gas is catalysed in a molybdenum (or other) catalyst with the addition of zinc oxide. This specific part of air pollution control (APC) is not taken into account in this dataset. A user should consider modelling the appropriate catalyst as no sulfur emissions are taken into account as well. The process generates 1.44 kg of CO2 per kg of NH3. Ammonia production takes the full burden of this CO2 as an emission to the environment. In certain regions urea plants are located adjacent to ammonia plants where part of this CO2 is fed into the urea production. Therefore, urea production takes the relevant CO2 credit in the form of a negative CO2 emission. The process assumes 1% of this CO2 as by-product in ammonia. The main data sources for this dataset are Fertilizers Europe (2014, 2016). Additional data sources are listed as follows. References: Fertilizers Europe (2000): Best Available Techniques for Pollution Prevention and Control in the European Fertilizer Industry. Booklet No. 1 of 8: Production of Ammonia. Fertilizers Europe, Brussels. Kongshaug G. (1998): Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Fertilizer Production. IFA 20th July 1998 Davies J., Haglund C. (1999): Life Cycle Inventory of Fertiliser Production. SIK-Report No 654 1999. Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. Fertilizers Europe (2014): Average Emissions Year 2011. Fertilizers Europe Environmental report (internal). Fertilizers Europe (2016): Carbon Footprint Calculator for Fertilizer Production. Specification. Version 2.1 Fertilizers Europe (2016): Average Emissions Year 2014. Fertilizers Europe Environmental report (internal). Used for updated energy and GHG emission in Carbon Footprint Calculator Phillip Townsend Associates Inc. (2016): Ammonia Plant Energy Efficiency and CO2 Emissions Benchmarking 2013-2014. Internal report for Fertilizers Europe. Integer Research (2016): Regional N2O and CO2emissions from ammonia and nitric acid production 2014. Internal report for Fertilizers Europe. Althaus H.-J., Chudacoff M., Hischier R., Jungbluth N., Osses M. and Primas A. (2007) Life Cycle Inventories of Chemicals. ecoinvent report No. 8, v2.0. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, CH. [This dataset is meant to replace the following datasets: - ammonia production, steam reforming, liquid, RER, 2011 - 2014 (41ff9238-7f19-586a-b6f8-9cc968b9ef8e)] generalComment of cocamide diethanolamine production (RER): Cocamide diethanolamine is used mainly in the cosmetic industry. Cosmetic products contain between 1 to 25% of diethanolamine. Other uses for this product are: as a surfactants in soap, as a cleaning and delinting agent (Elbers 2013). Reference(s): Gendorf (2016) Umwelterklärung 2015, Werk Gendorf Industriepark, Elbers, E. 2013. Some Chemicals Present in Industrial and Consumer Products, Food and Drinking-water. In IARC MONOGRAPHS ON THE EVALUATION OF CARCINOGENIC RISKS TO HUMANS, Vol.101, pp.141-148 WHO Press, Geneva. For more information on the model please refer to the dedicate ecoinvent report, access it in the Report section of ecoQuery (
Origin: /Bund/UBA/ProBas
Tags: Main ? Ethylen ? Ammoniak ? Brennstoff ? Erdgas ? Fettsäure ? Glykol ? Genf ? Abfallbehandlung ? Chemische Industrie ? Katalysator ? Kühlwasser ? Lösungsmittel ? Rohwasser ? Stickstoff ? Synthesegas ? Wasserdampf ? Umwelterklärung ? Primärbatterie ? Dampfreformierung ? Chemieanlage ? Elektrizitätswirtschaft ? Verdunstung ? Wasserkühlung ? Ökobilanz ? Verbraucherprodukt ? Trinkwasser ? Daten ? Zwischenprodukt ? Entschwefelung ? Chemische Verbindung ? Reaktionstemperatur ? Rohstoff ? Ölgewinnung ? Chemikalien ? Aufbereitungstechnik ? Gaserzeugung ? Risiko ? Chemischer Stoff ? Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products ? Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds ? Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms ? Manufacturing ?
License: unbekannt
Language: Deutsch
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