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Markt für Platin

Description: technologyComment of platinum group metal mine operation, ore with high palladium content (RU): imageUrlTagReplace6250302f-4c86-4605-a56f-03197a7811f2 technologyComment of platinum group metal, extraction and refinery operations (ZA): The ores from the different ore bodies are processed in concentrators where a PGM concentrate is produced with a tailing by product. The PGM base metal concentrate product from the different concentrators processing the different ores are blended during the smelting phase to balance the sulphur content in the final matte product. Smelter operators also carry out toll smelting from third part concentrators. The smelter product is send to the Base metal refinery where the PGMs are separated from the Base Metals. Precious metal refinery is carried out on PGM concentrate from the Base metal refinery to split the PGMs into individual metal products. Water analyses measurements for Anglo Platinum obtained from literature (Slatter et.al, 2009). Mudd, G., 2010. Platinum group metals: a unique case study in the sustainability of mineral resources, in: The 4th International Platinum Conference, Platinum in Transition “Boom or Bust.” Water share between MC and EC from Mudd (2010). Mudd, G., 2010. Platinum group metals: a unique case study in the sustainability of mineral resources, in: The 4th International Platinum Conference, Platinum in Transition “Boom or Bust.” technologyComment of treatment of automobile catalyst (RoW): After collection and transportation to the intermediary dealer, the scrap is ground in a mill. The resulting material is fed to specialised refineries. The metallurgical step consists of an arc-furnace. Same refining process as in primary production assumed (selective precipitation) technologyComment of treatment of automobile catalyst (RER): The production process consists of three steps: Collection, Beneficiation and Refining. COLLECTION: Spoiled automotive catalysts are bought by specialised enterprises from different origins. Part of it originates from scrap dealer recycling end-of-life cars. Further more during the cars operating phase, defective catalysts are exchanged in garages. The third sources is the production waste, i. e. defective catalysts which do not reach market. In most cases, there are fix agreements between the different supplier and the intermediary trade. Although the trade with PGM containing scrap is risky. Motor car manufacturer built up their own internal recycling systems with their contractor garages and gained access to exchanged catalysts. Emissions: Emissions during collection are gases from transportation and dust from dismantling. Also in this step the combustion leads to emissions of SO2. No serious water emissions are reported. BENEFICIATION: The catalysts are dismantled and then sold to refining companies. Refineries too have long-term contracts with the intermediary trade. Emissions: Emissions during beneficiation are gases from transportation and dust from dismantling. Also in this step the combustion leads to emissions of SO2. No serious water emissions are reported. REFINING: The scrap first is shredded and then pyrometallurgicaly processed: The scrap is smelted in an electric arc furnace, and the ceramic wafer is slagged. The PGMs are concentrated in the collector metal, usually copper. Low-content PGM scrap is often smelted together with other non-ferrous metal matte. This is cheap, but effects a high loss in PGM. The collector matte from the furnace then is treated hydrometallurgically by re-precipitation. In this step usually production scrap from other industries (glass, chemical laboratories) is joined. The overall PGM-yield is 98 % for platinum and 85 % for rhodium. Emissions: Dust and metals are generally emitted from incinerators and furnaces. VOC can be emitted from solvent extraction processes, while organic compounds, namely dioxins, can be emitted from smelting stages resulting from the poor combustion of oil and plastic in the feed material. All these emissions are subject to abatement technologies and controlling. Effluents from refining contain considerable amounts of metals and organic substances. Waste: Solid residues from pyrometallurgical step are usually re-used in copper facilities, final residues generally comprise hydroxide filter cakes. References: Hagelücken C. (2001b) Die Märkte der Katalysatormetalle Platin, Palladium und Rhodium. In: Autoabgaskatalysatoren, Vol. 612. pp. 95-115. Expert Verlag, Renningen. Online-Version under: http://www.dmc-2.de/pmc_eng/Veroeffentlichungen_2/Die%20M%C3%A4rkte%20der%20Katalysatormetalle%20Pt%20Pd%20Rh.pdf.

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Comment: This is a market activity. Each market represents the consumption mix of a product in a given geography, connecting suppliers with consumers of the same product in the same geographical area. Markets group the producers and also the imports of the product (if relevant) within the same geographical area. They also account for transport to the consumer and for the losses during that process, when relevant. This is the market for 'platinum', in the Global geography. This is a constrained market for consequential system model, for attributional system models, this is a regular market. In the case of consequential system model, details about the marginal consumer can be found in the comment of the conditional exchange (by-product). Transport from producers to consumers of this product in the geography covered by the market is included. This market is supplied by the following activities with the given share: platinum group metal mine operation, ore with high palladium content, RU: 0.177891181020164 platinum group metal, extraction and refinery operations, ZA: 0.777508432808753 treatment of automobile catalyst, RER: 0.0147444416156288 treatment of automobile catalyst, RoW: 0.0298559445554543 generalComment of platinum group metal mine operation, ore with high palladium content (RU): imageUrlTagReplacee572a403-4986-4d4a-a56a-a1491bd4aae2 This dataset describes the joint production of 0.73 kg of palladium, 3200 kg of copper, 2310 kg of nickel, 99.5%, 0.25 kg of platinum, and 0.02 kg of rhodium, in the Russian Federation in 2002. Palladium is the reference product, and all the remaining are byproducts. The module is designed for the use of the metal in technical systems, where it plays a minor role like the use in manufacturing of electronic or technical chemistry using certain catalysts. It is not to be used if the impact of the PGM within the modelled process in scope is considered to be high. In such cases, a more detailed analysis depending on scope and allocation procedures has to be conducted. The data used is mainly based on a LCA study for autocatalysts in Germany. generalComment of platinum group metal, extraction and refinery operations (ZA): This dataset represents data from four major platinum producing companies in South Africa Northam Platinum, Anglo American Platinum, Lonmin Platinum and Impala Platinum. Of the four only Anglo-American Platinum, Lonmin Platinum and Impala Platinum operate refineries. Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) is recovered through underground and open pit mining. The processing of the ore consists of concentration, smelting and refining. PGM mining in South Africa is located in the Bushveld Complex, which includes three distinct mineral-bearing reefs: The Merensky Reef, The UG2 Reef and Platreef. [This dataset is meant to replace the following datasets: - platinum group metal mine operation, ore with high rhodium content, ZA, 1995 - 2002 (2e5ef946-afd2-44a7-a41c-f7054fe43052)] generalComment of treatment of automobile catalyst (RER): This dataset describes the production of 0.264 kg of secondary palladium, 0.208 kg of secondary rhodium, and 0.528 kg of secondary platinum, by means of treatment of automobile catalysts, in 2002. 400 kg of spent automobile catalyst are recycled in the process. Other sources of secondary PGM are neglected. The smelter slag disposal is inventoried as disposal of inert material, thus neglecting potentially important (but unknown) heavy metal emissions. Process data is deemed non satisfactory. [This dataset was already contained in the ecoinvent database version 2. It was not individually updated during the transfer to ecoinvent version 3. Life Cycle Impact Assessment results may still have changed, as they are affected by changes in the supply chain, i.e. in other datasets. This dataset was generated following the ecoinvent quality guidelines for version 2. It may have been subject to central changes described in the ecoinvent version 3 change report (http://www.ecoinvent.org/database/ecoinvent-version-3/reports-of-changes/), and the results of the central updates were reviewed extensively. The changes added e.g. consistent water flows and other information throughout the database. The documentation of this dataset can be found in the ecoinvent reports of version 2, which are still available via the ecoinvent website. The change report linked above covers all central changes that were made during the conversion process.] generalComment of treatment of automobile catalyst (RoW): This module describes the collecting of autocatalysts in Germany, the dismantling of the catalysts and the pyrometallurgical processing followed by a hydrometallurgical purification step. The multioutput-process "platinum group metal production, secondary, RER" delivers the co-products "platinum, secondary, at refinery", "palladium, secondary, at refinery" and "rhodium, secondary, at refinery". The smelter slag disposal is inventoried as disposal of inert material, thus neglecting potentially important (but unknown) heavy metal emissions. [This dataset was already contained in the ecoinvent database version 2. It was not individually updated during the transfer to ecoinvent version 3. Life Cycle Impact Assessment results may still have changed, as they are affected by changes in the supply chain, i.e. in other datasets. This dataset was generated following the ecoinvent quality guidelines for version 2. It may have been subject to central changes described in the ecoinvent version 3 change report (http://www.ecoinvent.org/database/ecoinvent-version-3/reports-of-changes/), and the results of the central updates were reviewed extensively. The changes added e.g. consistent water flows and other information throughout the database. The documentation of this dataset can be found in the ecoinvent reports of version 2, which are still available via the ecoinvent website. The change report linked above covers all central changes that were made during the conversion process.]

Origin: /Bund/UBA/ProBas

Tags: Dioxin ? Palladium ? Recycling ? Rhodium ? Abgaskatalysator ? Hydroxid ? Platin ? VOC ? Pflanzensamen ? REACH ? Manufacture of basic metals ? Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals ? Manufacturing ?

License: unbekannt

Language: Deutsch




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