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Markt für Aluminiumhydroxid

Description: technologyComment of aluminium hydroxide production (IAI Area, Asia, without China and GCC, CN, IAI Area, EU27 & EFTA, IAI Area, Russia & RER w/o EU27 & EFTA, IAI Area, South America, RNA, UN-OCEANIA): Average technology for the global aluminium industry.

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Comment: This is a market activity. Each market represents the consumption mix of a product in a given geography, connecting suppliers with consumers of the same product in the same geographical area. Markets group the producers and also the imports of the product (if relevant) within the same geographical area. They also account for transport to the consumer and for the losses during that process, when relevant. This is the market for 'aluminium hydroxide', in the Global geography. Transport from producers to consumers of this product in the geography covered by the market is included. Production volume from International Aluminium Institute This market is supplied by the following activities with the given share: aluminium hydroxide production, IAI Area, Asia, without China and GCC: 0.0458130191602405 aluminium hydroxide production, CN: 0.516241126681663 aluminium hydroxide production, IAI Area, EU27 & EFTA: 0.0518175531961449 aluminium hydroxide production, IAI Area, Russia & RER w/o EU27 & EFTA: 0.0356770856127513 aluminium hydroxide production, IAI Area, South America: 0.1156441744641 aluminium hydroxide production, RNA: 0.0564478717165441 aluminium hydroxide production, UN-OCEANIA: 0.178359169168556 generalComment of aluminium hydroxide production (CN): Data on Al(OH)3 extraction and calcination to Al2O3 was aggregated on original source (International ALuminium Institute 2015 LCI survey, IAI personnal communication in 2017). In- and outputs of Al(OH)3 are calculated according to the stoichiometry (1.530 kg Al(OH)3 --> 1.000 kg Al2O3 + 0.530 kg H2O). Separate energy data was provided by IAI for production of hydrate and calcination processes. The Al(OH)3 extraction process involves adding milled bauxite to a hot caustic soda (NaOH) solution, dissolving the aluminium-bearing minerals (gibbsite, böhmite and diaspore) present to form a sodium aluminate supersaturated solution or “pregnant liquor”. Flocculants are added to aid settling and the solution is progressively cooled causing aluminium hydroxide crystals to precipitate. Further information can be found at http://bauxite.world-aluminium.org/refining/process.html. Two sources were used in the creation of this dataset: IAI 2015 Survey data (officially published in 2017); and original ecoinvent 2 data (Althaus, 2007) for exchanges unreported by IAI. generalComment of aluminium hydroxide production (IAI Area, Asia, without China and GCC, IAI Area, EU27 & EFTA, IAI Area, Russia & RER w/o EU27 & EFTA, IAI Area, South America, RNA, UN-OCEANIA): Data on Al(OH)3 extraction and calcination to Al2O3 was aggregated on original source (International ALuminium Institute 2015 LCI survey, IAI personnal communication in 2017). In- and outputs of Al(OH)3 are calculated according to the stoichiometry (1.530 kg Al(OH)3 --> 1.000 kg Al2O3 + 0.530 kg H2O). Separate energy data was provided by IAI for production of hydrate and calcination processes. The Al(OH)3 extraction process involves adding milled bauxite to a hot caustic soda (NaOH) solution, dissolving the aluminium-bearing minerals (gibbsite, böhmite and diaspore) present to form a sodium aluminate supersaturated solution or “pregnant liquor”. Flocculants are added to aid settling and the solution is progressively cooled causing aluminium hydroxide crystals to precipitate. Further information can be found at http://bauxite.world-aluminium.org/refining/process.html. Two sources were used in the creation of this dataset: IAI 2015 Survey data (officially published in 2017); and original ecoinvent 2 data (Althaus, 2007) for exchanges unreported by IAI.

Origin: /Bund/UBA/ProBas

Tags: Aluminiumindustrie ? Aluminiumhydroxid ? China ? Russland ? Amerika ? Asien ? Manufacture of basic chemicals ? Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms ? Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products ? Manufacturing ?

License: unbekannt

Language: Deutsch




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