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Aufbereitung von Kupferschrott durch elektrolytische Raffination

Description: Secondary copper consists of various types of scrap. Prompt scrap is directly reused in foundries and is not further processed. Old scrap has to be treated in a secondary copper smelter, where a variety of metal values are recuperated. Depending on the chemical composition, the raw materials of a secondary copper smelter are processed in different types of furnaces, including: - blast furnaces (up to 30% of Cu in the average charge), - converters (about 75% Cu), and - anode furnaces (about 95% Cu). A scheme of the process considered is given in Fig 1. The blast furnace metal (“black copper”) is treated in a converter; then, the converter metal is refined in an anode furnace. In each step additional raw material with corresponding copper content is added. In the blast furnace, a mixture of raw materials, iron scrap, limestone and sand as well as coke is charged at the top. Air that can be enriched with oxygen is blown through the tuyeres. The coke is burnt and the charge materials are smelted under reducing conditions. Black copper and slag are discharged from tapholes. The converters used in primary copper smelting, working on mattes containing iron sulphide, generate surplus heat and additions of scrap copper are often used to control the temperature. The converter provides a convenient and cheap form of scrap treatment, but often with only moderately efficient gas cleaning. Alternatively, hydrometallurgical treatment of scrap, using ammonia leaching, yields to solutions which can be reduced by hydrogen to obtain copper powder. Alternatively, these solutions can be treated by solvent extraction to produce feed to a copper-winning cell. Converter copper is charged together with copper raw materials in anode furnace operation. For smelting the charge, oil or coal dust is used, mainly in reverberatory furnaces. After smelting, air is blown on the bath to oxidise the remaining impurities. Leaded brasses, containing as much as 3% of lead, are widely used in various applications and recycling of their scrap waste is an important activity. Such scrap contains usually much swarf and turnings coated with lubricant and cutting oils. Copper-containing cables and motors contain plastic or rubber insulants, varnishes, and lacquers. In such cases, scrap needs pre-treatment to remove these non-metallic materials. The smaller sizes of scrap can be pre-treated thermally in a rotary kiln provided with an after-burner to consume smoke and oil vapours (so-called Intal process). Emissions and waste: Elevated levels of halogenated organic compounds may arise, such as TCDD. Slags are usually used in construction. Waste water is led to a communal treatment plant. References: EEA, 1999. imageUrlTagReplacef2b602ec-dc47-48e3-88a7-ab8ec727bd33

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    text_type: Report,

Comment: This dataset represents the production of 1 kg of copper cathodes, by electrolyti refining, in 2003. It is designed for the use of the metal as part of the consumption mix 'copper, at regional storage'. It is not to be used if the impact of the secondary copper is considerable. In such cases, a more detailed analysis has to be conducted.

Origin: /Bund/UBA/ProBas

Tags: Dämmstoff ? Gummi ? Eisensulfid ? Kupfersulfid ? Recycling ? Kunststoff ? Eisenschrott ? Ammoniak ? Metallgießerei ? Kohlenstaub ? Lack ? Kupfer ? Kupferschrott ? Lösungsmittel ? Koks ? Raffination ? Sauerstoff ? Schmierstoff ? Altmetall ? Wasserstoff ? Abfallverwertung ? Hochofen ? Chemische Zusammensetzung ? Rauch ? Schlacke ? Metall ? Drehofen ? Futtermittel ? Sand ? Kalkstein ? Gebühr ? Aufbereitungsanlage ? Motor ? Abfallaufkommen ? Rohstoff ? Messing ? Reinigungsverfahren ? Abwasser ? Ofen ? Sprengung ? Gasreinigung ? Ölnebel ? Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals ? Manufacturing ? Manufacture of basic metals ?

License: unbekannt

Language: Deutsch




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