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Markt für Kupfer, Kathode

Description: technologyComment of aluminium alloy production, AlLi (CA-QC, RoW): No comment present technologyComment of aluminium alloy production, Metallic Matrix Composite (CA-QC, RoW): No comment present technologyComment of cobalt production (GLO): Cobalt, as a co-product of nickel and copper production, is obtained using a wide range of technologies. The initial life cycle stage covers the mining of the ore through underground or open cast methods. The ore is further processed in beneficiation to produce a concentrate and/or raffinate solution. Metal selection and further concentration is initiated in primary extraction, which may involve calcining, smelting, high pressure leaching, and other processes. The final product is obtained through further refining, which may involve processes such as re-leaching, selective solvent / solution extraction, selective precipitation, electrowinning, and other treatments. Transport is reported separately and consists of only the internal movements of materials / intermediates, and not the movement of final product. Due to its intrinsic value, cobalt has a high recycling rate. However, much of this recycling takes place downstream through the recycling of alloy scrap into new alloy, or goes into the cobalt chemical sector as an intermediate requiring additional refinement. Secondary production, ie production from the recycling of cobalt-containing wastes, is considered in this study in so far as it occurs as part of the participating companies’ production. This was shown to be of very limited significance (less than 1% of cobalt inputs). The secondary materials used for producing cobalt are modelled as entering the system free of environmental burden. technologyComment of copper production, cathode, solvent extraction and electrowinning process (GLO): Oxide ores and supergene sulphide ores (i.e. ores not containing iron) can be recovered most easily by hydro-metallurgical techniques, such as SX-EW. The general steps of mining and refining are identical to those of copper mine operation and primary copper production, respectively. The difference lies in that the beneficiation and smelting stages are by-passed and substituted with a leaching stage followed by cementation or electro-winning. technologyComment of electrorefining of copper, anode (GLO): Based on typical current technology. technologyComment of gold mine operation and refining (SE): OPEN PIT MINING: The ore is mined in four steps: drilling, blasting, loading and hauling. In the case of a surface mine, a pattern of holes is drilled in the pit and filled with explosives. The explosives are detonated in order to break up the ground so large shovels or front-end loaders can load it into haul trucks. ORE AND WASTE HAULAGE: The haul trucks transport the ore to various areas for processing. The grade and type of ore determine the processing method used. Higher-grade ores are taken to a mill. Lower grade ores are taken to leach pads. Some ores may be stockpiled for later processing. HEAP LEACHING: The ore is crushed or placed directly on lined leach pads where a dilute cyanide solution is applied to the surface of the heap. The solution percolates down through the ore, where it leaches the gold and flows to a central collection location. The solution is recovered in this closed system. The pregnant leach solution is fed to electrowinning cells and undergoes the same steps as described below from Electro-winning. ORE PROCESSING: Milling: The ore is fed into a series of grinding mills where steel balls grind the ore to a fine slurry or powder. Oxidization and leaching: Some types of ore require further processing before gold is recovered. In this case, the slurry is pressure-oxidized in an autoclave before going to the leaching tanks or a dry powder is fed through a roaster in which it is oxidized using heat before being sent to the leaching tanks as a slurry. The slurry is thickened and runs through a series of leaching tanks. The gold in the slurry adheres to carbon in the tanks. Stripping: The carbon is then moved into a stripping vessel where the gold is removed from the carbon by pumping a hot caustic solution through the carbon. The carbon is later recycled. Electro-winning: The gold-bearing solution is pumped through electro-winning cells or through a zinc precipitation circuit where the gold is recovered from the solution. Smelting: The gold is then melted in a furnace at about 1’064°C and poured into moulds, creating doré bars. Doré bars are unrefined gold bullion bars containing between 60% and 95% gold. References: Newmont (2004) How gold is mined. Newmont. Retrieved from http://www.newmont.com/en/gold/howmined/index.asp technologyComment of platinum group metal mine operation, ore with high palladium content (RU): imageUrlTagReplace6250302f-4c86-4605-a56f-03197a7811f2 technologyComment of platinum group metal, extraction and refinery operations (ZA): The ores from the different ore bodies are processed in concentrators where a PGM concentrate is produced with a tailing by product. The PGM base metal concentrate product from the different concentrators processing the different ores are blended during the smelting phase to balance the sulphur content in the final matte product. Smelter operators also carry out toll smelting from third part concentrators. The smelter product is send to the Base metal refinery where the PGMs are separated from the Base Metals. Precious metal refinery is carried out on PGM concentrate from the Base metal refinery to split the PGMs into individual metal products. Water analyses measurements for Anglo Platinum obtained from literature (Slatter et.al, 2009). Mudd, G., 2010. Platinum group metals: a unique case study in the sustainability of mineral resources, in: The 4th International Platinum Conference, Platinum in Transition “Boom or Bust.” Water share between MC and EC from Mudd (2010). Mudd, G., 2010. Platinum group metals: a unique case study in the sustainability of mineral resources, in: The 4th International Platinum Conference, Platinum in Transition “Boom or Bust.” technologyComment of primary zinc production from concentrate (RoW): The technological representativeness of this dataset is considered to be high as smelting methods for zinc are consistent in all regions. Refined zinc produced pyro-metallurgically represents less than 5% of global zinc production and less than 2% of this dataset. Electrometallurgical Smelting The main unit processes for electrometallurgical zinc smelting are roasting, leaching, purification, electrolysis, and melting. In both electrometallurgical and pyro-metallurgical zinc production routes, the first step is to remove the sulfur from the concentrate. Roasting or sintering achieves this. The concentrate is heated in a furnace with operating temperature above 900 °C (exothermic, autogenous process) to convert the zinc sulfide to calcine (zinc oxide). Simultaneously, sulfur reacts with oxygen to produce sulfur dioxide, which is subsequently converted to sulfuric acid in acid plants, usually located with zinc-smelting facilities. During the leaching process, the calcine is dissolved in dilute sulfuric acid solution (re-circulated back from the electrolysis cells) to produce aqueous zinc sulfate solution. The iron impurities dissolve as well and are precipitated out as jarosite or goethite in the presence of calcine and possibly ammonia. Jarosite and goethite are usually disposed of in tailing ponds. Adding zinc dust to the zinc sulfate solution facilitates purification. The purification of leachate leads to precipitation of cadmium, copper, and cobalt as metals. In electrolysis, the purified solution is electrolyzed between lead alloy anodes and aluminum cathodes. The high-purity zinc deposited on aluminum cathodes is stripped off, dried, melted, and cast into SHG zinc ingots (99.99 % zinc). Pyro-metallurgical Smelting The pyro-metallurgical smelting process is based on the reduction of zinc and lead oxides into metal with carbon in an imperial smelting furnace. The sinter, along with pre-heated coke, is charged from the top of the furnace and injected from below with pre-heated air. This ensures that temperature in the center of the furnace remains in the range of 1000-1500 °C. The coke is converted to carbon monoxide, and zinc and lead oxides are reduced to metallic zinc and lead. The liquid lead bullion is collected at the bottom of the furnace along with other metal impurities (copper, silver, and gold). Zinc in vapor form is collected from the top of the furnace along with other gases. Zinc vapor is then condensed into liquid zinc. The lead and cadmium impurities in zinc bullion are removed through a distillation process. The imperial smelting process is an energy-intensive process and produces zinc of lower purity than the electrometallurgical process. technologyComment of treatment of copper cake (GLO): 'The ore is pre-treated, reduced and refined according to the country specific mix of process alternatives: reverberatory furnace 23.7%; flash smelting furnaces 60.7%; other 6.2%.; SX-EW 9.4%. An overall abatement for sulphur dioxide of 45.4% was estimated.' as cited in original dataset. technologyComment of treatment of copper scrap by electrolytic refining (RoW): In three different stages different types of copper scrap and 10% of the feed of blister copper are refined to copper cathodes. Waste water is led to a communal treatment plant. technologyComment of treatment of copper scrap by electrolytic refining (RER): Secondary copper consists of various types of scrap. Prompt scrap is directly reused in foundries and is not further processed. Old scrap has to be treated in a secondary copper smelter, where a variety of metal values are recuperated. Depending on the chemical composition, the raw materials of a secondary copper smelter are processed in different types of furnaces, including: - blast furnaces (up to 30% of Cu in the average charge), - converters (about 75% Cu), and - anode furnaces (about 95% Cu). A scheme of the process considered is given in Fig 1. The blast furnace metal (“black copper”) is treated in a converter; then, the converter metal is refined in an anode furnace. In each step additional raw material with corresponding copper content is added. In the blast furnace, a mixture of raw materials, iron scrap, limestone and sand as well as coke is charged at the top. Air that can be enriched with oxygen is blown through the tuyeres. The coke is burnt and the charge materials are smelted under reducing conditions. Black copper and slag are discharged from tapholes. The converters used in primary copper smelting, working on mattes containing iron sulphide, generate surplus heat and additions of scrap copper are often used to control the temperature. The converter provides a convenient and cheap form of scrap treatment, but often with only moderately efficient gas cleaning. Alternatively, hydrometallurgical treatment of scrap, using ammonia leaching, yields to solutions which can be reduced by hydrogen to obtain copper powder. Alternatively, these solutions can be treated by solvent extraction to produce feed to a copper-winning cell. Converter copper is charged together with copper raw materials in anode furnace operation. For smelting the charge, oil or coal dust is used, mainly in reverberatory furnaces. After smelting, air is blown on the bath to oxidise the remaining impurities. Leaded brasses, containing as much as 3% of lead, are widely used in various applications and recycling of their scrap waste is an important activity. Such scrap contains usually much swarf and turnings coated with lubricant and cutting oils. Copper-containing cables and motors contain plastic or rubber insulants, varnishes, and lacquers. In such cases, scrap needs pre-treatment to remove these non-metallic materials. The smaller sizes of scrap can be pre-treated thermally in a rotary kiln provided with an after-burner to consume smoke and oil vapours (so-called Intal process). Emissions and waste: Elevated levels of halogenated organic compounds may arise, such as TCDD. Slags are usually used in construction. Waste water is led to a communal treatment plant. References: EEA, 1999. imageUrlTagReplacef2b602ec-dc47-48e3-88a7-ab8ec727bd33 technologyComment of treatment of metal part of electronics scrap, in copper, anode, by electrolytic refining (SE, RoW): Production of cathode copper by electrolytic refining. technologyComment of treatment of non-Fe-Co-metals, from used Li-ion battery, hydrometallurgical processing (GLO): The technique SX-EW is used mainly for oxide ores and supergene sulphide ores (i.e. ores not containing iron). It is assumed to be used for the treatment of the non-Fe-Co-metals fraction. The process includes a leaching stage followed by cementation or electro-winning. A general description of the process steps is given below. In the dump leaching step, copper is recovered from large quantities (millions of tonnes) of strip oxide ores with a very low grade. Dilute sulphuric acid is trickled through the material. Once the process starts it continues naturally if water and air are circulated through the heap. The time required is typically measured in years. Sulphur dioxide is emitted during such operations. Soluble copper is then recovered from drainage tunnels and ponds. Copper recovery rates vary from 30% to 70%. Cconsiderable amounts of sulphuric acid and leaching agents emit into water and air. No figures are currently available on the dimension of such emissions. After the solvent-solvent extraction, considerable amounts of leaching residues remain, which consist of undissolved minerals and the remainders of leaching chemicals. In the solution cleaning step occur precipitation of impurities and filtration or selective enrichment of copper by solvent extraction or ion exchange. The solvent extraction process comprises two steps: selective extraction of copper from an aqueous leach solution into an organic phase (extraction circuit) and the re-extraction or stripping of the copper into dilute sulphuric acid to give a solution suitable for electro winning (stripping circuit). In the separation step occurs precipitation of copper metal or copper compounds such as Cu2O, CuS, CuCl, CuI, CuCN, or CuSO4 • 5 H2O (crystallisation) Waste: Like in the pyrometallurgical step, considerable quantities of solid residuals are generated, which are mostly recycled within the process or sent to other specialists to recover any precious metals. Final residues generally comprise hydroxide filter cakes (iron hydroxide, 60% water, cat I industrial waste). technologyComment of treatment of non-Fe-Co-metals, from used Li-ion battery, pyrometallurgical processing (GLO): Based on technology that treats anode slime by pressure leaching and top blown rotary converter. technologyComment of treatment of used cable (GLO): Shredder, followed by a modern grinding machine with current separation technology

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Comment: This is a market activity. Each market represents the consumption mix of a product in a given geography, connecting suppliers with consumers of the same product in the same geographical area. Markets group the producers and also the imports of the product (if relevant) within the same geographical area. They also account for transport to the consumer and for the losses during that process, when relevant. This is the market for 'copper, cathode', in the Global geography. This product is generally considered to be used at the production site. Therefore, the market does not contain any transport. This market is supplied by the following activities with the given share: treatment of metal part of electronics scrap, in copper, anode, by electrolytic refining, SE: 2.2277037972547e-06 aluminium alloy production, AlLi, CA-QC: 1.82758697059355e-10 aluminium alloy production, Metallic Matrix Composite, CA-QC: 1.82758697059355e-10 copper production, cathode, solvent extraction and electrowinning process, GLO: 0.170490173414167 electrorefining of copper, anode, GLO: 0.604964708417086 gold mine operation and refining, SE: 0.0068111458857769 platinum group metal mine operation, ore with high palladium content, RU: 0.0157037102658409 platinum group metal, extraction and refinery operations, ZA: 0.0011796839608685 treatment of copper cake, GLO: 0.00220044467157194 treatment of copper scrap by electrolytic refining, RER: 0.0340482359153305 treatment of metal part of electronics scrap, in copper, anode, by electrolytic refining, RoW: 0.000840421088561419 aluminium alloy production, AlLi, RoW: 3.71055536489841e-10 aluminium alloy production, Metallic Matrix Composite, RoW: 1.44545514946945e-09 primary zinc production from concentrate, RoW: 0.000274822821189317 treatment of copper scrap by electrolytic refining, RoW: 0.15032405184868 cobalt production, GLO: 0.00123321626173438 treatment of non-Fe-Co-metals, from used Li-ion battery, hydrometallurgical processing, GLO: 9.32830849573793e-07 treatment of non-Fe-Co-metals, from used Li-ion battery, pyrometallurgical processing, GLO: 2.13217351759321e-06 treatment of used cable, GLO: 0.0119240905590003 generalComment of aluminium alloy production, AlLi (CA-QC): This dataset represents the manufacturing of aluminium alloyed billets and ingots. Aluminum scrap of the same alloy is used as the main aluminium bearing input. Aluminium scrap from external source accounts for 60% of secondary aluminium in final product, while 40% of secondary aluminium is from internal sources (remelting of internal scrap in closed loop - accounted in the primary aluminium input). Primary aluminium slab is used as aluminium input up to 30%. Aluminium losses, through blast furnace slag, are accounted for. Aluminum based alloys, metal powder and pure metals are added to obtain desired alloy composition. Final product is cast by direct chilled vertical casting. This alloy is mainly used in the aeronautic sector. This dataset is based on data from the one facility in Quebec. generalComment of aluminium alloy production, AlLi (RoW): This dataset represents the manufacturing of aluminium alloyed billets and ingots. Aluminum scrap of the same alloy is used as the main aluminium bearing input. Aluminium scrap from external source accounts for 60% of secondary aluminium in final product, while 40% of secondary aluminium is from internal sources (remelting of internal scrap in closed loop - accounted in the primary aluminium input). Primary aluminium slab is used as aluminium input up to 30%. Aluminium losses, through blast furnace slag, are accounted for. Aluminum based alloys, metal powder and pure metals are added to obtain desired alloy composition. Final product is cast by direct chilled vertical casting. This alloy is mainly used in the aeronautic sector. This dataset is based on data from the one facility in Quebec region. generalComment of aluminium alloy production, Metallic Matrix Composite (CA-QC, RoW): This dataset represents the manufacturing of aluminium alloyed, metallic matrix composite, billets and ingots. It represents production of ceramic reinforced aluminium alloys. Primary aluminium slab is used as the main aluminium bearing input (75-80%). Scrap aluminium is used as aluminium input up to 20-15%. Aluminium scrap and cold primary slabs and other metal additive are pre-heated in a furnace to remove all trace of water. Powder alloying additives are dried by cycloning with hot air. Aluminium is melt in an induction furnace where aluminium based alloys, silicium carbide and bore carbide powders and pure metals are added to obtain desired alloy composition. Refractory material is used to prevent oxidation of molten aluminium alloy and as coating for mold. Final product is cast by direct chilled vertical casting or ingot mold and allowed to cool down slowly in an oven. generalComment of cobalt production (GLO): This dataset represents the production of cobalt by the global cobalt industry. Reference: "The Environmental Performance of Refined Cobalt - Life Cycle Inventory and Life Cycle Assessment of Refined Cobalt - Summary Report", CDI & ERM, Novermber 2016. PM2.5-10 and PM10 emissions to air arise from mine ventillation systems. generalComment of copper production, cathode, solvent extraction and electrowinning process (GLO): No comment present generalComment of electrorefining of copper, anode (GLO): For the electrorefining of copper anodes to produce high grade copper cathodes, globally. Background: Metals are produced as part of a complex, highly interconnected and interdependent system, with many desirable but scarce/critical metals recovered as by-products during the production of one or more ‘host’ metal(s). Copper is one of the world’s major mineral commodities and is mined from heterogeneous sulfide or oxide mineral deposits in countries worldwide. Copper sulfide deposits, such as those of the porphyry or massive sulphide type, contain numerous other valuable minerals, which are desirable to society. Copper is mined & beneficiated to produce a copper sulfide concentrate, as well as other by-product concentrates (e.g. molybdenite), which are sold to smelters. Copper sulfide concentrates are smelted to produce the intermediate product, copper anode. This is then sold to refineries, where it is electrorefined to produce copper cathode, which is sold to fabricators. The by-product of copper electrorefining is anode slime, which contains various important by-product metals (principally gold, silver, selenium & tellurium) and is sold to precious metal recovery plants for further processing to recover the valuable metals. Modelling approach: Amounts of exchanges to the environment and from the technosphere were calculated based on the LCI process model for “copper production, primary” described in Classen et al. (2009) for ecoinvent v2.1. The amounts of by products from the process were calculated through a global material flow analysis of primary copper production. Further information is provided in the accompanying documentation (see Turner & Hischier, 2019). References Classen, M., Althaus, H.-J., Blaser, S., Scharnhost, W., Tuchschmid, M., Jungbluth, N., & Emmenegger, M. F. (2009). Life cycle inventories of metals. Final report, ecoinvent data v2.1, No. 10. Dübendorf, Switzerland. Turner & Hischier (2019). Regionalised life cycle inventories of primary copper production (pyrometallurgy) and anode slime processing. Empa, St. Gallen, Switzerland. generalComment of gold mine operation and refining (SE): This dataset was created by merging two separate multi-output datasets from ecoinvent database v2; "mining, gold-silver-zinc-lead-copper deposit" and "refining, copper-zinc-lead-gold-silver, in smelter". This dataset describes the joint production of gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc. Both mining and refining are included in this activity. The data on mining corresponds to Swedish mines Aitik, Boliden and Garpenberg, which produce gold, silver and other metals. Data quality for emissions into air / water, as well as disposal of tailings, is low. Regarding the refining; gold and silver are supposed to be treated in the PGM plant in Rönnskär, whereas the other metals are supposed to undergo other treatments. A high share of the production is recycled metal, e.g. 74% for gold. generalComment of platinum group metal mine operation, ore with high palladium content (RU): imageUrlTagReplacee572a403-4986-4d4a-a56a-a1491bd4aae2 This dataset describes the joint production of 0.73 kg of palladium, 3200 kg of copper, 2310 kg of nickel, 99.5%, 0.25 kg of platinum, and 0.02 kg of rhodium, in the Russian Federation in 2002. Palladium is the reference product, and all the remaining are byproducts. The module is designed for the use of the metal in technical systems, where it plays a minor role like the use in manufacturing of electronic or technical chemistry using certain catalysts. It is not to be used if the impact of the PGM within the modelled process in scope is considered to be high. In such cases, a more detailed analysis depending on scope and allocation procedures has to be conducted. The data used is mainly based on a LCA study for autocatalysts in Germany. generalComment of platinum group metal, extraction and refinery operations (ZA): This dataset represents data from four major platinum producing companies in South Africa Northam Platinum, Anglo American Platinum, Lonmin Platinum and Impala Platinum. Of the four only Anglo-American Platinum, Lonmin Platinum and Impala Platinum operate refineries. Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) is recovered through underground and open pit mining. The processing of the ore consists of concentration, smelting and refining. PGM mining in South Africa is located in the Bushveld Complex, which includes three distinct mineral-bearing reefs: The Merensky Reef, The UG2 Reef and Platreef. [This dataset is meant to replace the following datasets: - platinum group metal mine operation, ore with high rhodium content, ZA, 1995 - 2002 (2e5ef946-afd2-44a7-a41c-f7054fe43052)] generalComment of primary zinc production from concentrate (RoW): The multi-output "primary zinc production from concentrate" process includes all steps required to produce special high grade zinc from zinc concentrate using the electrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical (less common) processes. Electrometallurgical zinc smelting includes roasting, leaching, purification, electrolysis, melting, and sulfur dioxide gas treatment. Pyrometallurgical zinc smelting includes sintering, leaching, refining, and sulfur dioxide gas treatment. The dataset describes the production of zinc and additional co-products, primarily sulfuric acid. Data is based on a study undertaken by the International Zinc Association (IZA) in conjunction with thinkstep (the LCA practitioner) for reference year 2012. Participating companies provided annual primary data on inputs and outputs for each process step, which was aggregated into a single production-weighted dataset. The below images present the system boundary in relation to the primary product, special high grade zinc. imageUrlTagReplacec1fef210-e0fd-48fd-9cea-351f6a190ca8 imageUrlTagReplace27d4da96-9dfb-45d5-ac34-9f40810abac8 generalComment of treatment of copper cake (GLO): This dataset represents the treatment of copper cake generated during the production hydrometallurgical primary zinc. The functional unit represents the treatment of 1.8382 kg of copper cake and the recovery of 1 kg of copper. This dataset is a copy of the ecoinvent v3.01 dataset 'copper production, primary, GLO 2003' used as proxy. The only differences being the change of reference product, copper cake instead of copper (which is now a by-product of the treatment process) and the removal of the copper concentrate input. Uncertainties have been adjusted accordinly. 'The product 'copper, primary, at refinery' is used as pure metal or as alloying element in various technical applications.' as cited in original dataset. generalComment of treatment of copper scrap by electrolytic refining (RoW): The module describes the production of secondary copper in Germany with a production of 176'000 t copper cathodes in 1994. It is designed for the use of the metal as part of the consumption mix 'copper, at regional storage'. It is not to be used if the impact of the secondary copper is considerable. In such cases, a more detailed analysis has to be conducted. generalComment of treatment of copper scrap by electrolytic refining (RER): This dataset represents the production of 1 kg of copper cathodes, by electrolyti refining, in 2003. It is designed for the use of the metal as part of the consumption mix 'copper, at regional storage'. It is not to be used if the impact of the secondary copper is considerable. In such cases, a more detailed analysis has to be conducted. generalComment of treatment of metal part of electronics scrap, in copper, anode, by electrolytic refining (SE, RoW): The multi-output-process "secondary copper refining" delivers the co-products "precious metals from electric waste, in anode slime, at refinery", "copper, secondary, from electronic and electric scrap recycling, at refinery" and "nickel, secondary, from electronic and electric scrap recycling, at refinery". The product "precious metals from electric waste, …" is an intermediary in the production of secondary gold from electric scrap and is not to be used by the LCA practitioner. The flows "copper, …" and "nickel, …" are by-products of this process that receive part of the burdens allocated. They must not be used. [This dataset was already contained in the ecoinvent database version 2. It was not individually updated during the transfer to ecoinvent version 3. Life Cycle Impact Assessment results may still have changed, as they are affected by changes in the supply chain, i.e. in other datasets. This dataset was generated following the ecoinvent quality guidelines for version 2. It may have been subject to central changes described in the ecoinvent version 3 change report (http://www.ecoinvent.org/database/ecoinvent-version-3/reports-of-changes/), and the results of the central updates were reviewed extensively. The changes added e.g. consistent water flows and other information throughout the database. The documentation of this dataset can be found in the ecoinvent reports of version 2, which are still available via the ecoinvent website. The change report linked above covers all central changes that were made during the conversion process.] generalComment of treatment of non-Fe-Co-metals, from used Li-ion battery, hydrometallurgical processing (GLO): The treatment of non-Fe-Co-metals fraction from used Li-ion battery, hydrometallurgical processing is based on the proxy "copper production, solvent-extraction electro-winning". This proxy has been chosen because of the higher composition of copper (21%) and the nature of the process, namely hydrometallurgy. The original flows related to the mining infrastructure and mining processes have been deleted. They are only relevant for the primary winning of copper from ore. The extraction of Aluminium and Manganese has been reflected with the addition of byproducts in the process. The composition of the non-Fe-Co-metals is 21% Copper, 14.4% Aluminium and 12.4% Manganese. This composition is calculated from the Li-Ion battery production, including cathode and anode components. The rest of flows have not been adapted. No emissions are considered in this activity due to the lack of data. The uncertainty has been adjusted accordingly. generalComment of treatment of non-Fe-Co-metals, from used Li-ion battery, pyrometallurgical processing (GLO): The treatment of non-Fe-Co-metals fraction from used Li-ion battery, pyrometallurgical processing is based on the proxy "treatment of precious metal from electronics scrap, in anode slime, precious metal extraction". This proxy has been chosen because of the diverse composition of this fraction. The byproducts in the original dataset "silver, secondary, at precious metal refinery", "gold, secondary, at precious metal refinery" and "palladium, secondary, at precious metal refinery" have been deleted in order to adapt the dataset to the composition of the non-Fe-Co-metals fraction. The same has been done for the original outputs of Cadmium, Lead, Mercury and Zinc. The composition of the non-Fe-Cp-metals is 21% Copper, 14.4% Aluminium and 0.8% Lithium. The composition is calculated from the Li-Ion battery production, including cathode and anode components.The uncertainty has been adjusted accordingly. generalComment of treatment of used cable (GLO): The multioutput-process 'mechanical separation of copper containing cables' delivers the co-products 'disposal, treatment of cables” and 'copper, from cable treatment, in secondary production, at plant'. The allocation is done 100% to the disposal process.

Origin: /Bund/UBA/ProBas

Tags: Hirsch ? Main ? Aluminiumoxid ? Kupfersulfid ? Palladium ? Recycling ? Sinterung ? Zinksulfat ? Zinksulfid ? Eisen ? Kupferschrott ? Kobalt ? Eisenoxid ? Metallgießerei ? Aluminium ? Nickel ? Ammoniak ? Platin ? Platinmetall ? Bleioxid ? Schwefelgehalt ? Silber ? Zinkoxid ? Kupfer ? Gold ? Brüden ? Chemische Industrie ? Pflanzensamen ? Sauerstoff ? Altmetall ? Kohlenstoff ? Schwefelsäure ? Koks ? Blitz ? Maut ? Zink ? Abfallverwertung ? Bodenschätze ? Abfallbehandlung ? Staub ? Blei ? Edelmetall ? Cadmium ? Schwefel ? Lösungsmittel ? Raffination ? Metalloxid ? Metallwaren ? Abfalltransport ? Cyanid ? Eisenerz ? Elektrolyse ? Raffinerie ? Recyclingquote ? Erzbergbau ? Schimmel ? Schwefeldioxid ? Futtermittel ? Sickerwasser ? Hochofen ? Tagebau ? Kalzinierung ? Kies ? Kohlenmonoxid ? Metall ? Kupferbergbau ? Lastkraftfahrzeug ? Chemische Zusammensetzung ? Untertagebau ? Gasförmiger Stoff ? Mischkunststoff ? Tankbehälter ? Blister-Verpackung ? Goldbergbau ? Umweltbelastung ? Studie ? Rohstoff ? Wasseranalyse ? Erzverhüttung ? Produktionstechnik ? Abwasser ? Zwischenprodukt ? Schmelzofen ? Aufbereitungsanlage ? Explosivstoff ? Lauge ? Fallstudie ? Wasser ? Stahl ? Bilanz ? Reinigungsverfahren ? Höhle ? Destillation ? Splitt ? Erz ? Mühle ? Aluminiumherstellung ? Nebenprodukt ? Aufbereitungstechnik ? Ofen ? Legierung ? Metallverarbeitung ? Sprengung ? Niederschlag ? Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals ? Manufacture of basic metals ? Manufacturing ?

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Language: Deutsch




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