Description: The Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC and its recast 2018/2001/EU commit the EU to achieving a 20 % share of renewable energy sources (RES) in its gross final energy consumption by 2020, and 32 % by 2030. They also set a target of 10 % share of renewable energy in transport by 2020, and 14% by 2030. Since early access to the most recent information on the growth of RES is relevant for all stakeholders, the EEA and its European Topic Centre for Climate Change Mitigation and Energy (ETC/CME) produce each year a set of early estimates concerning the RES shares achieved by the countries and the EU as a whole in the previous year. The current data set concerns the EEA 2020 RES share proxies. The cut-off date for most data sources incorporated in the calculation of the approximated RES shares is 31 July of the publication year.
Global identifier:
Uuid( 9f8a80d5-7709-4d76-a3a9-678b77a4dd1e, )
Origin: /Europa/EEA/SDI
Tags: Transportrecht ? Erneuerbare-Energien-Richtlinie ? Daten ? Energie ? Interessenvertreter ? Konsum ? Klimaschutz ? Anteil erneuerbarer Energien ? 2021 2.4.2 ? Climate mitigation ?
License: unbekannt
Language: Englisch/English
Modified: 2023-02-24
Time ranges: 2019-01-01 - 2019-12-31
Accessed 1 times.