Description: Das Projekt "A 1.2: Potential and constraints of participatory research approaches for sustainable development in mountainous regions of Southeast Asia - Phase 2" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Agrar- und Sozialökonomie in den Tropen und Subtropen durchgeführt. In this overreaching subproject potentials and limits of participatory research approaches shall be investigated. Institutional prerequisites that are appropriate to integrate local stakeholders (female and male farmers, extension services, state agencies and NGOs) into the research process will be developed and tested. Research will focus on the questions, which form and intensity of participation in which phases of the research process in different disciplines are feasible and beneficial. As one of the major means we have developed a new analytical framework during the first phase that is described in detail in the research report of A1. This framework enables a differentiated assessment of participatory research elements along different dimensions and over several research phases and thus takes into account the complexity and dynamics of agricultural research projects. The framework will be a central methodological basis for the work in the second phase. Results of the first phase of subproject A1 suggest that the wider social, cultural and institutional context is a crucial factor for the success of participatory research approaches. This context includes (1) the socio-political environment at the national, regional and local level, (2) the particular institutional environment and scientific cultures of researchers and the research institutions involved in the program, and (3) various aspects and levels of intercultural communication. Research in the first phase has shown that local knowledge and farmers own experimental capacities have not yet been fully validated and integrated in some technical subprojects of the Uplands Program. Therefore, more emphasis will be put on a more systematic collection, validation and integration of local knowledge in the research process. The first phase has also shown that the demand for services provided by subproject A1 varies considerably from one subproject to the other. In the second phase it is therefore intended to build 'strategic partnerships' with specific subprojects that are suitable and willing to cooperate intensively with A1 and include participatory approaches/elements as a substantial share of their activities in the research process. Joint activities were negotiated between A1 and the respective subprojects in the planning of the second phase and incorporated into the working plan of those subprojects.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Aufschlussverfahren ? Behörde ? Sozioökonomie ? Südostasien ? Forschungsprojekt ? Bewertung ? Interessenvertreter ? Prüfverfahren ? Sozialforschung ? Staat ? Tropengebiet ? Nachhaltige Entwicklung ? Agrarforschung ? Dienstleistung ? Forschung ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Gesellschaftspolitische Aspekte ? Körperschaft ? Landwirtschaft ? Beteiligung ? Umwelt ? Verkehr ? Gebirge ? REGIONAL ? ANALYTISCH ? Bemessung ? EIN ? EINGESCHRAENKT ? ERGEBNIS ? FORMBLAETTER ? FRAGE ? GEPLANT ? LAENDER ? LEISTUNGSFAEHIGKEIT ? MAENNLICH ? NACHFRAGE ? NEU ? POTENZIAL ? PROGRAMMIERUNG ? Projektstudium ? RATIFIKATION ? ABHOLEN ? SPEZIFISCH ? VORGABE ? BERICHT ? BEWERTEN ?
Region: Baden-Württemberg
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2003-01-01 - 2006-12-31
Webseite zum Förderprojekt (Webseite)Accessed 1 times.