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HCFCWORKSHOPS: International Workshop on HCFC Alternatives and Intermediate Reduction Steps for Developing Countries

Description: Das Projekt "HCFCWORKSHOPS: International Workshop on HCFC Alternatives and Intermediate Reduction Steps for Developing Countries" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von ICF Consulting Ltd. durchgeführt. The production and consumption of ozone-depleting HCFCs used as refrigerants, blowing agents, solvents, aerosols, and fire suppressants are increasing rapidly in developing countries, as they are being gradually phased out in developed countries under the Montreal Protocol. Because developing countries are not required under the Protocol to freeze consumption until 2016, or reduce consumption until 2040, global HCFC consumption could remain excessively high for the next 35 years, undermining the phaseout efforts of developed countries and threatening the recovery of the ozone layer and human health. Currently, there are only limited discussions on the post-2016 phaseout of HCFCs in developing countries. To address this issue, ICF is pleased to submit a proposal to support DG RTD/DG ENV in organising an innovative international workshop to target the reduction of HCFC consumption in developing countries between now and 2015, and yield a draft agreement on intermediate reduction steps between 2016 and 2040. Specifically, the workshop will provide developing country stakeholders with the technical tools needed to phaseout HCFCs (e.g., information on viable alternatives, technology transfer, funding opportunities) and to build consensus among stakeholders on an intermediate phaseout schedule to be implemented under the Montreal Protocol. After conducting numerous ODS-related analyses for DG ENV and countless other clients, ICF is intimately familiar with the sources and uses of HCFCs, available alternatives, key policy and industry players, and operational procedures of the Montreal Protocol. ICF is also experienced in designing and executing conferences and workshops, and developing outreach materials and Web content management systems. Further, with offices worldwide, ICF can conduct research, planning, and logistical activities seamlessly across the globe. If ICF is selected as the successful bidder, we look forward to negotiating mutually-acceptable contract.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Ozon ? Werkstoff ? Industriepolitik ? Kältemittel ? Kühlmittel ? Lösungsmittel ? Technologietransfer ? Contracting ? Montrealer Protokoll ? Aerosol ? Brand ? Büro ? Materialwirtschaft ? Frost ? HFCKW ? Technik ? Ausblasverfahren ? Entwicklungsland ? Interessenvertreter ? Konsum ? Management ? Ozonschicht ? Vertrag ? Menschliche Gesundheit ? Workshop ? Feuerung ? Finanzierung ? Forschung ? Industrieland ? Ozonabbau ? Schadstoffquelle ? Planung ? Globale Aspekte ? Produktion ? Verringerung ? sonstig ? Überlebensfähigkeit ? Werkzeug ? akzeptabel ? Mittel ? unter ? Protokoll ? Gehalt ? alternativ ? Vermehrung ? Verbrauch ? ausgewählt ? eingeschränkt ? einreichen ? Kulturtechnik ? fördern ? verfügbar ? gebraucht ? Vorschlag ? Vorschläge ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2007-01-01 - 2007-12-31



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Accessed 1 times.