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Production of hydrogen for the hydrogenation of heavy oil and coal (plant assembly phase)

Description: Das Projekt "Production of hydrogen for the hydrogenation of heavy oil and coal (plant assembly phase)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Veba Öl AG durchgeführt. Objective: To erect a demonstration gasifier including the metering and monitoring devices. General Information: The project started in 1981 with the design of the plant, the obtaining of the approval, the basic - and detail - engineering and the acquisition of the necessary material and equipment. The current phase includes the erection of the gasifier. The gasifier of the demonstration plant is designed to produce 40000 m3/h synthesis gas. This corresponds to a feed rate of 16 t /h. The gasification pressure is 60 bars. The dust free raw gas from the demonstration plant is directed to the raw gas shift conversion, H2S/CO2 - removal and pressure swing adsorption units. The safe feeding operation of liquid hydrogenation residues is insured by special suspension pumps. The dosage of the LTC coke and the hard coal will be carried out employing the extruder feeding system for solid fuels developed by VEBA OEL on pilot plant scale. The main component of the feeding system is a twin screw extruder. In the feeder the finely ground coal or coke are mixed intensively with about 15 per cent water or oil and pressurized to form a gas-tight plug. At the extruder outlet the pressurized feed-stock is pulverised in a specifically designed discharge head and transferred by steam via a specially designed burner into the gasification reactor. Achievements: A preplanning phase served to investigate different concepts with respect to process flow, the technical design of the main parts and the integration of the demonstration plant into the RUHR OEL refinery in Gelsenkirchen-Scholven. For two process variants the basic engineering was carried out for the main process steps; a pre-basic was worked out for the conventional units of the plant, i. e. grinding, crude gas shift conversion and H2S/CO2 scrubbing. Detailed documents including construction drawings were produced for the main parts e. g. the extruder feeding-system, the burner and the gasification reactor. In order to determine whether the gasification plant would qualify for approval by the authorities a preliminary application in accordance with P9 of the Federal Environmental Protection (Immission) Act was prepared and submitted. After a thorough examination of the application and a discussion on the objections the preliminary approval was guaranted. To conclude the investigations, the investment cost were determined and the economic viability was examined for both process alternatives. The investigations have shown that a large-scale plant for the gasification of hydrogenation residues and coal is technically feasible and does quality for approval. The low energy price level does for the time being, however, not permit a cost-covering operation of coal gasification or coal hydrogenation plants. Measures are, therefore, examined to improve the economic viability of gasification and hydrogenation units. The use of solid or liquid wastes (as e. g. sewage sludge, used plastic materials, used ...


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Gelsenkirchen ? Main ? Öl ? Schwefelwasserstoff ? Ruhr ? Kohlevergasung ? Koks ? Steinkohle ? Synthesegas ? Wasserstoff ? Adsorption ? Kohle ? Kohlehydrierung ? Kohlendioxid ? Suspension ? Chemisches Verfahren ? Gaswäscher ? Hydrierung ? Immission ? Monitoring ? Reaktor ? Verfahrenstechnik ? Wirtschaftliche Aspekte ? Gasreinigung ? Pilotprojekt ? Produktdesign ? Investition ? Anlagenbau ? Versuchsanlage ? Brenner ? Technische Aspekte ? Chemische Reaktion ? Gaserzeugung ? Heizöl [schwer] ? Zerkleinerung ? screw-extruder ? shift-conversion ? LTC-Koks ? Anlagenbemessung ? Schadstoffelimination ?

Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen

Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1987-07-01 - 1988-08-31



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Accessed 1 times.