Description: Das Projekt "'CADY' Central Asian Climate Dynamics" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Berlin, Institut für Meteorologie WE03, Fachrichtung Wechselwirkung im Klimasystem der Erde, Arbeitsgruppe Modellierung des Klimasystems durchgeführt. Global climate change is one of the key concerns of the 21st century, with serious implications for economies, societies and the environment. Central Asia, though rich in mineral resources, suffers from water scarcity. Since all the Central Asian countries rely heavily on irrigated agriculture, future climate change will strongly impact water availability, energy security, and sustainable development in the region. This issue needs to be urgently addressed, because any changes in the factors governing regional hydrology, or the magnitude of their impact (e.g. severity of droughts and floods) would be critical for infrastructural planning and securing food supplies in a global warming scenario. The project CADY (Central Asian Climate Dynamics) aims to reconstruct the Holocene climate variability and regional hydrology in the Central Asia along two W-E transects sandwiching the Tibetan Plateau and one N-S transect cutting across the Plateau. We will use a multiarchive, multiproxy approach and additionally focus on selected time slices (e.g. early Holocene warm period, the Medieval Warm Period, the Little ice age etc). Palaeoclimate simulations of different duration and on selected time slices will be carried out using the generated data. The combination of proxy data and model simulations will lead to an improved understanding of the physical mechanisms controlling the monsoon dynamics.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Monsun ? Paläoklimatologie ? Berlin ? Bodenschätze ? Meteorologie ? Blei ? Wind ? Hochwasser ? Mineralwasser ? Wasserverfügbarkeit ? Klimavariabilität ? Szenario ? Dürre ? Globale Erwärmung ? Zentralasien ? Klimafolgen ? Mesoklima ? Rohstoffvorkommen ? Simulation ? Bewässerungsfeldbau ? Tropengebiet ? Nachhaltige Entwicklung ? Modellierung ? Wirkung ? Asien ? Daten ? Energiesicherheit ? Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft ? Regionale Lebensmittel ? Wasserknappheit ? Hydrologie ? Infrastruktur ? Klimaentwicklung ? Lebensmittel ? Bedarf ? Wirtschaft ? Planung ? Gebiet ? Klimasystem ? DAUER ? EIN ? LAENDER ? REGIONAL ? LAND ? STARK ? MECHANISMEN ? HOLOZAEN ? ZEITRAEUME ? EINSATZ ? SCHNEIDEN ? AUSGEWAEHLT ?
Region: Berlin
Bounding boxes: 10.44987° .. 10.44987° x 54.03573° .. 54.03573°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2011-05-01 - 2014-04-30
Webseite zum Förderprojekt (Webseite)Accessed 1 times.