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Biologische Sanierung schwermetallbelasteter Boeden

Description: Das Projekt "Biologische Sanierung schwermetallbelasteter Boeden" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Zürich, Institut für Pflanzenbiologie, Abteilung Physiologie und Mikrobiologie durchgeführt. The main objective of the project is the application a microbiological (bacterial/micro-mycotic) leaching process ('bioleaching') developed for bottom and fly ash for the mobilization of metals from contaminated soils in Hungary. By the use of such processes the environmental hazard of these polluted sites will be reduced and its environmental quality improved with respect to a re-use of the soil material. In addition, recovered metals might be recycled and also re-used by metal-manufacturing industries. Most important goals of the research cooperation between two universities in Budapest and the University of Zuerich are the management of laboratory test and field demonstrations of a biohydrometallurgical process using Aspergillus niger as well as other microorganisms for soil remediation.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Rohstoffrückgewinnung ? Main ? Recycling ? Schwermetallbelastung ? Zürich ? Abfallverwertung ? Asche ? Botanik ? Metallindustrie ? Mikrobiologie ? Schwermetall ? Ungarn ? Niger ? Schimmelpilz ? Bodenverunreinigung ? Schwermetallmobilisierung ? Reinigungsverfahren ? Biotechnologie ? Bodensanierung ? Mikroorganismen ? Sanierungsmaßnahme ? Boden ? Biologische Behandlung ? Bodenschadstoff ? Budapest ? Internationale Zusammenarbeit ? Auslaugung ? Bioremediation ? Bioleaching ? Schadstoffminderung ? Versuchsanlage ? Laboruntersuchung ? Pilotprojekt ? Schadstoffelimination ? industrial application ? biohydrometallurgical process ? Aspergillus-niger ? field demonstration ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1997-01-01 - 1998-12-31



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