Description: Das Projekt "Leitmodelle zur Verkehrsminderung in Verflechtungsraeumen zwischen zwei oder mehr Staedten in laendlichen Gebieten" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Raumordnung Brandenburg durchgeführt. Objective: Development of a modellike and nonpollution integrated traffic conception for the area Luebben - Luebbenau and the surrounding area. General Information: Traffic and it's environmental impact becomes more and more crucial problem to tackle not only for urban areas but also for rural regions with highly vulnerable landscapes. This applies particulary to the Eastern European areas where the motorization rate has formerly been low and now has been sharply rising since 1989. Moreover, the (ecological) situation is aggravated by the use of outdated and environmentally harmful technologies and the fact that regional and local planning has not been thoroughly done in the former GDR. In this situation, thorough regional and local planning that focuses on the environmental problems entailed by the use of traffic is urgently required in view of the environmentally sound development in the respective regions. Since a new structural approach will be needed, this should be shown with two examples (Modellregionen Luebben and Luebbenau). In a first step, the existing concepts for the regional and local planning in the region of Luebben and Luebbenau will be analysed - focusing on their effects concerning the quality of the environment. From this point the various planning measures should be harmonized and improved in view of their effect on the environment. In this context, high priority is given to diminish the harmful effects of the traffic flow caused by trade and tourism in the Spreewald area (surrounding Luebben and Luebbenau - UNESCO MAB PROJECT). In a second step, planning models and recommendations for future planning measures should be developed as well as an ad-hoc working-program in order to reduce environmental harmful impact and create a more humane situation for the people in the less populated areas. In this context, it is intended to work out a local development plan, which enables to overcome the traditional philosophy of strict separation between working and living areas (recommendations of the Athens Charta in the 60's). At this point European partnership cities/regions with similar experiences should be involved in the project. In a third step, the findings to the second step should be implemented by a set of measures with model character in order to illustrate the projects aims and to stimulate for further steps approaching new patterns of regional and local planning. The project will be finalized by an evaluation of the measures being taken during this project on the one hand and their effectiveness on the other hand. This final report on the results serving as a source for dissemination of the key findings may as well encourage other rural areas to undertake similar efforts leading to more human living conditions.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Spreewald ? Athen ? Straße ? Brandenburg ? Raumordnung ? Verkehrsweg ? Umweltbelastung ? Berufsverkehr ? Güterverkehr ? Mensch ? Personenverkehr ? Verkehrslenkung ? Verkehrsplanung ? Verkehrsvermeidung ? Modellregion ? Bevölkerung ? Tourismus ? Landwirtschaft ? Regionalentwicklung ? Umweltverträglichkeit ? Naturschutz ? Landschaft ? Verkehr ? Verkehrsrückgang ? Landschaftsbelastung ?
Region: Brandenburg
Bounding boxes: 13.01582° .. 13.01582° x 52.45905° .. 52.45905°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1994-09-01 - 1996-12-31
Accessed 1 times.