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Die Wiedereinführung der Espasette als Beispiel der Nutzung einer neuen Resource für nachhaltige Landwirtschaft

Description: Das Projekt "Die Wiedereinführung der Espasette als Beispiel der Nutzung einer neuen Resource für nachhaltige Landwirtschaft" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Verfahrenstechnik, Brennstofftechnik und Umwelttechnik durchgeführt. The proposed RTN adopts a unified approach to a unique sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) collection. It will provide excellent training for young researchers in evaluating traditional resources and developing novel strategies for sustainable agriculture. This is timely because of the pending CAP reforms. The RTN will offer multisectorial and multidisciplinary training at 12 first-class research institutions and 3 SMEs in 11 countries. It is based on a structured combination of research and training activities to ensure that the young researchers will achieve optimal development of professional skills for their future careers . The young researchers will greatly benefit from the vast expertise in a wide range of disciplines amongst the partners: agronomy, plant breeding, seed production and marketing, animal nutrition, veterinary science, chemical analysis, biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology. The scientific approach will develop a scientific and technical basis for animal feeding systems based on lower chemical inputs by re-popularising traditional fodder legumes for more efficient, animal- and environment-friendly farming systems. Sainfoin will be a showcase for an excellent fodder legume, which was widely grown in Europe before the use of commercial fertilisers and synthetic drugs. Currently, a considerable amount of research occurs on sainfoin but includes only a few cultivars. This prevents exploitation of its full genetic potential. The unique collection already available within this network and a concerted evaluation will lay the foundation for exploiting the full potential of this traditional forage crop in contemporary cultivation systems. Training will consist of extensive scientific education on a local and network-wide basis and include complementary skills, e.g. foreign languages, personal, social and inter-cultural skills (management skills and soft skills). The proposed RTN adopts a unified approach to a unique sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) collection. It will provide excellent training for young researchers in evaluating traditional resources and developing novel strategies for sustainable agriculture. This is timely because of the pending CAP reforms. The RTN will offer multisectorial and multidisciplinary training at 12 first-class research institutions and 3 SMEs in 11 countries. It is based on a structured combination of research and training activities to ensure that the young researchers will achieve optimal development of professional skills for their future careers . The young researchers will greatly benefit from the vast expertise in a wide range of disciplines amongst the partners: agronomy, plant breeding, seed production and marketing, animal nutrition, veterinary science, chemical analysis, biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology...


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Wien ? Arzneimittel ? Biochemie ? Futterpflanze ? Genetik ? Leguminosen ? Pflanzensamen ? Biologie ? Agrarwissenschaften ? Chemische Analyse ? Futtermittel ? Landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb ? Marketing ? Veterinärmedizin ? Tier ? Abgrabung ? Bewertung ? Chemikalien ? Management ? Tierernährung ? Umwelttechnik ? Ausbildung ? Verfahrenstechnik ? Europa ? Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft ? Produktion ? Abdeckung ? Bewirtschaftungssystem ? Forschung ? Gutachten ? Körperschaft ? Landwirtschaft ? Ressource ? Umwelt ? Strategische Aspekte ? AUSBEUTUNG ? Pflanzenscreening ? Tannine ? MISCHUNG ? Flavonoide ? VERFUEGBAR ? NEU ? BRUETEN ? Fütterung ? ABHOLEN ? WISSENSCHAFTLICH ? LAENDER ? Phytotechnologie ? LAND ? Onobrychis viciifolia ? Handelsdünger ? POTENZIAL ? EINSATZ ? GRUNDLAGE ? ENTWICKLUNG ? SORTE ? BETRAG ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2007-01-01 - 2010-12-31



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