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Entwicklung einer praktikablen und zuverlässigen Bestimmungsmethode für das Ascheschmelzverhalten von Biomassebrennstoffen, im besonderen von Holzpellets (AshMelT)

Description: Das Projekt "Entwicklung einer praktikablen und zuverlässigen Bestimmungsmethode für das Ascheschmelzverhalten von Biomassebrennstoffen, im besonderen von Holzpellets (AshMelT)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Höhere Landwirtschaftliche Bundeslehranstalt Francisco-Josephinum durchgeführt. The utilisation of renewable energy sources is a considerable contribution to the EU 2020 targets, and the utilisation of solid biomass for heat production is of great relevance in this regard. The market for solid biofuels is growing rapidly, and the demand for raw materials is increasing. Consequently it is aimed at extending the raw material basis for biofuel production covering also wooden materials of lower quality as well as agricultural raw materials and residues, which often show unfavourable ash melting properties. The ash fusion test (AFT) is the only standardised method currently available to assess the ash melting behaviour of solid biomass, but the significance of this test is frequently criticised, in particular the applicability for low-quality wood or non-wooden biomass. Thus a respective normative regulation has not been included in the EN 14961-2, which is considered a major drawback for future development of the high quality end consumer market for wood pellets. A number of alternative test methods have been developed to predict the ash melting properties of biomass fuels, but predictions and test results have scarcely been evaluated regarding their significance with regard to the practical performance of the fuels during combustion. Conclusions: The AshMelT method will finally have an impact on the utilisation and diversification of pelletized fuels. On the one hand pellets producer can classify their products more specifically and therefore can have a broader range of quality. Combustion system manufacturers on the other hand can choose for which type of fuel the combustion system shall be applicable.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Holzpellets ? Biokraftstoff ? Biobrennstoff ? Brennstoff ? Agrarrohstoff ? Ackerbau ? Asche ? Erneuerbarer Energieträger ? Pelletierung ? Diversifikation ? Energieträger ? Erneuerbare Energie ? Feststoff ? Pflanzenproduktion ? Regulierung ? Verbrennung ? Veterinärmedizin ? Prognose ? Wärmeerzeugung ? MITI-Test ? Pflanzenzüchtung ? Agrarproduktion ? Bestimmungsmethode ? Schmelzen ? Wirkung ? Marktentwicklung ? Abdeckung ? Pflanzenschutz ? Rückstand ? Biomasse ? Wald ? Test ? Forstwirtschaft ? Landwirtschaft ? Rohstoffbedarf ? Biomasseproduktion ? PFEIL15: Erneuerbare Energien und Nachwachsende Rohstoffe ? Verbrauchermarkt ? Vermehrung ? Betriebsvorschrift ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2012-01-01 - 2016-02-10



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