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Bio fuel oil for power plants and boilers

Description: Das Projekt "Bio fuel oil for power plants and boilers" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Department für Biologie, Zentrum Holzwirtschaft, Ordinariat für Chemische Holztechnologie und Institut für Holzchemie und Chemische Technologie des Holzes der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Forst- und Holzwirtschaft durchgeführt. General Information/Objectives: The present proposal is aimed at: 1) generating performance, emission and cost data for flash pyrolysis oil (biofuel oil) utilization schemes focusing on the market quality of the oil as a fuel for two applications: stationary medium-speed diesel engine power plant and medium scale oil boilers, 2) developing downstream units of oil production, improving the oil quality and establishing fundamental understanding of biomass pyrolysis, and 3) establishing a network of potential producers and users. The cooperation includes potential pyrolysis oil producers and users, biomass producers, power and energy companies, universities and research institutions. Technical Approach Flash pyrolysis oil (bio fuel oil) is the lowest cost biomass-derived liquid fuel. Only relatively recently has enough oil been available for utilization tests. The complete utilization chain, where biomass-derived biofuel oil is employed as diesel power plant fuel, will be studied. The engines in question are pilot injected medium and high speed engines available approximately in the size range of 50-5000kWe. Another related topic is the use of biofuel oil as heating oil for small boilers in the size range of 50-500kWt. Use of pyrolysis oil in existing or slightly modified heating boilers on this scale could be the first economic application of biofuel oil in countries of high fuel oil taxation. Expected Achievements and Exploitation One of the problems with the introduction of biomass into energy infrastructure is the high cost of transporting and storing biomass. In addition, there are extra investment costs in solid biomass utilization systems compared to systems using liquid fuels. Flash pyrolysis is estimated to be the lowest cost route to liquid biofuel. Introducing a low cost biofuel oil would lead to a considerable expansion of markets for biofuels. Biomass flash pyrolysis oil production and utilization is still at an early stage of development and, to achieve the critical mass needed to increase knowledge in the field, experts from different countries and different organizations have to be assembled. It is unlikely that any one company or country is able to develop new promising yet poorly developed processes for commercial bio fuel operation. Through the network character of the project it will be possible to utilize and upgrade information for wider use. Within this consortium the results may be used directly in the pilot plant operations. Biofuel oil quality requirements will be common for all European pyrolysis process operators. Potential pyrolysis oil producers and users, biomass producers, and power and energy companies participating may employ results in their future operations. Prime Contractor: Technical Research Centre of Finland, Energy Process Technology; Espoo; Finland.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Pyrolyseöl ? Dieselkraftstoff ? Biokraftstoff ? Flüssigtreibstoff ? Flüssigbrennstoff ? Kraftstoff ? Brennstoff ? Landesentwicklung ? Finnland ? Hamburg ? Blitz ? Dieselmotor ? Pflanzenöl ? Blei ? Heizöl ? Pyrolyse ? Warmwasserbereitung ? Energieinfrastruktur ? Warmwasserbereiter ? Besteuerung ? Energie ? Verfahrenstechnik ? Energiegewinnung ? Kraftwerk ? Heizkessel ? Daten ? Holzindustrie ? Investitionskosten ? Ölgewinnung ? Biomassenutzung ? Biomasse ? Versuchsanlage ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Investition ? Kessel ? Brenner ?

Region: Hamburg

Bounding boxes: 9.99302° .. 9.99302° x 53.55073° .. 53.55073°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1996-02-01 - 1999-01-31



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Accessed 1 times.