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Strengthening research capacity and knowledge transfer in Integrated Pest Management at different institutional levels to improve sustainable agriculture in Albania

Description: Das Projekt "Strengthening research capacity and knowledge transfer in Integrated Pest Management at different institutional levels to improve sustainable agriculture in Albania" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von CABI Biosciene, Switzerland durchgeführt. Background: As Albanian agriculture began returning to the private sector in the late 1990s, it was evident that the infrastructure was weak, resulting in low production standards and inefficient use of resources. Despite efforts in the last two decades to restructure and strengthen the agriculture sector, it still remains underdeveloped, characterised by inadequate research, development, transfer of knowledge and modernisation. Farmers still rely on outdated, inefficient pesticide application equipment and often use highly toxic pesticides that are banned in the rest of Europe. Within the agricultural schools and universities, there is a weak capacity for agricultural research and knowledge transfer stemming from several infrastructure-related shortcomings, such as lack of resources and contact with the global scientific community. This constrains the international competitiveness of researchers as well as the training of students in modern pest management approaches. The limited capacity for technology transfer hinders the generation of science-based solutions for local agricultural problems and an ineffective advisory service means that farmers remain disconnected from agricultural research and technology development. Aim: This project aims to build the capacity of relevant institutions in research and knowledge transfer in integrated pest management (IPM); a sustainable pest management approach that reduces overreliance on chemical pesticides and alleviates the negative impacts of agriculture on human health and the environment. The project also aims to strengthen the infrastructure required to improve the quality of agricultural production and enable self-reliance in developing and implementing sustainable IPM solutions. Significance: Through the integration of effective theoretical and practical IPM training into higher education, this project will better prepare students for future employment in an agricultural profession and increase the overall IPM knowledge base within the agricultural sector. The provision of relevant resources and training will enhance capacity for conducting IPM-related research as well as foster integration into the international scientific community. Finally, strengthening the link between research and farmers will provide an effective channel through which to disseminate practical IPM solutions to farmers. In taking an institutional partnership approach, this project will consolidate the linkages between all key IPM stakeholders and create the infrastructure required to promote awareness, communication and institutionalisation of IPM along the whole chain of agricultural research, education, policy and practice.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Schädlingsbekämpfungsmittel ? Baumstamm ? Obstbau ? Wasserstraße ? Lack ? Technologietransfer ? Brunnen ? Bildungspolitik ? Internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit ? Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft ? Agrarproduktion ? Chemikalien ? Dienstleistungssektor ? Interessenvertreter ? Management ? Mensch ? Integrierter Pflanzenschutz ? Technik ? Toxizität ? Wissenstransfer ? Ausbildung ? Schadorganismus ? Agrarforschung ? Wirkung ? Forschung und Entwicklung ? Europa ? Lebensmittel ? Norm ? Forschung ? Gesundheit ? Infrastruktur ? Institutionalisierung ? Körperschaft ? Landwirtschaft ? Ressource ? Ressourcennutzung ? Umwelt ? Verkehr ? Gebiet ? Globale Aspekte ? Produktion ? NACHHALTIG ? BEWUSSTSEIN ? EINSATZ ? ENTWICKLUNG ? LEISTUNGSFAEHIGKEIT ? LOESUNG ? AUSRUESTUNG ? PARTNERSCHAFT ? PROJEKT ? Basen [chemisch] ? Research Capacity Building ? UEBERRESTE ? VERSCHIEBUNG ? VERWANDT ? Vermehrung ? Verwertung ? EINGESCHRAENKT ? AUSGEWAEHLT ? ERGEBNIS ? WISSENSCHAFT ? WISSENSCHAFTLICH ? Werkzeug ? Agriculture Infrastructure ? BESCHAEFTIGUNG ? GEMEINSCHAFT ? INITIATIVE ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2010-01-01 - 2012-12-31



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