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Investigations of viscous venting and treatment of releases

Description: Das Projekt "Investigations of viscous venting and treatment of releases" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Forschungsschwerpunkt Bautechnik und Meerestechnik, Arbeitsbereich Strömungsmechanik durchgeführt. General Information: Polymerization reactors are widely used throughout the industrialized world in the production processes of many common materials such as polystyrene, polyvinylchloride (PVC) and polyacrylates (e.g. plexiglass). A survey carried out in 1990 by the UK Health and Safety Executive showed that, over period up to 1987, an average of five serious industrial incidents due to runaway polymerization reactions occurred every two years. Against this background, and in the framework of reduction of risks to human health and the environment, many of Europe's leading chemical companies have expressed a strong need to improve the modelling capability available for the design of emergency pressure relief systems for such reactors. The present proposal is focussed on this area and is characterised by a problem-solving approach. Many runaway reactions that are of greatest concern are those that involve highly-viscous multiphase fluids (viscosities typically greater than 1000cP). There are considerable uncertainties in specifying the required safety valve and pipe sizes to handle such fluids so that, if activated, the emergency pressure relief systems will be able to discharge reactor contents at a rate that will prevent a dangerous build-up of pressure and temperature in the reactor vessel. However, the basic hindrance to the development of improved modelling techniques is the extremely limited experimental database on the flow of highly-viscous multiphase fluids (reacting and non-reacting) in vessels, safety valves and piping. In view of the variety of polymerization processes, it is necessary for this project to adopt a generic approach, i.e. to perform experiments that allow high-viscosity effects to be studied systematically and, on this basis, to develop generalised physical models for emergency pressure relief system design. The INOVVATOR Project has the following objectives: 1. To complement the very limited experimental database on high-viscosity multiphase flows by performing a number of experiments designed to fill certain critical knowledge gaps such as liquid-vapour distribution in reactor vessels, the pressure drop characteristics of safety valves and associated pipe systems and corresponding mass discharge rates. 2. To create a computer database containing these and other available experimental data related to high- viscosity multiphase flows. 3. To develop or improve the modelling technology for highly-viscous flows used in the design of emergency pressure relief systems. This would be validated against the above database. 4. To exploit and disseminate the products of the project, e.g. by publications, presentations at industrial working groups and by incorporating the improved models in existing design software. The resources necessary to achieve these objectives demand a trans-national approach. ... Prime Contractor: Commission of the European Communities, Institute of Systems, Informatics and Safety; Barasso; Italy.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Kunststoff ? Acrylat ? Druckwasserreaktor ? Gesundheitsgefährdung ? Polyacrylsäure ? Polystyrol ? Polyvinylchlorid ? Reaktorsicherheitsbehälter ? Chemische Industrie ? Critical Load ? Druckwelle ? Polymer ? Europäische Gemeinschaften ? Betriebsdaten ? Hardware ? Kettenreaktion ? Reaktorsicherheit ? Software ? Szenario ? Umweltbelastung ? Verfahrensparameter ? Verfahrensoptimierung ? Viskosimetrie ? Rechtsschutz ? Internationale Zusammenarbeit ? Chemikalien ? Langzeituntersuchung ? Mathematisches Modell ? Meerestechnik ? Mensch ? Physikalisches Modell ? Anlagenüberwachung ? Polymerisation ? Chemisches Verfahren ? Arbeitsschutz ? Produktionstechnik ? Reaktionsmechanismus ? Reaktor ? Daten ? Risikoanalyse ? Risikominderung ? Störfall ? Störfallvorsorge ? Strömungsmechanik ? Strömungsmodell ? Bautechnik ? Fließgeschwindigkeit ? Viskosität ? Modellierung ? Prozesskettenanalyse ? Menschliche Gesundheit ? Europa ? Druckleitung ? Geländerelief ? Reaktordruckbehälter ? Bewertungsverfahren ? Sicherheitstechnik ? Rohrleitung ? Versuchsanlage ? Gefahrenvorsorge ? Geomorphologie ? Datenbank ? Anlagenbetrieb ? Betriebsstörung ? Reaktionskinetik ? Ressource ? Produktdesign ? Druckbehälter ? Chemische Reaktion ? Dynamische Analyse ? Aggregatzustand/Erscheinungsform ? Kritischer Zustand ?

Region: Hamburg

Bounding boxes: 9.99302° .. 9.99302° x 53.55073° .. 53.55073°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1998-04-01 - 2001-03-31



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Accessed 1 times.