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Application and development of new techniques based on remote sensing, data integration, and multivariante analysis for mineral exploration

Description: Das Projekt "Application and development of new techniques based on remote sensing, data integration, and multivariante analysis for mineral exploration" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Gesellschaft für Angewandte Fernerkundung, Abteilung Geologie durchgeführt. Objective: The objective is to further improve exploration models for several metallogenetic groups in different regions, through improvement and development of new techniques based on remote sensing, data integration and multivariate analysis. General Information: The basic aims of the research can be summarized as follows: application of previously developed exploration models and exploration methodology to other areas with geological potential for the same type of deposits; development of equivalent prospecting models for other mineral commodities; application of the exploration methodology in other climatic conditions; improvement of data presentation and integration techniques and of methods for statistical processing; continuation of research on the spectral response of geological materials as measured by airborne sensors, space sensors and ground sensors; evaluation of new remote sensing systems, especially radar and imaging spectroscopy; development of the fundamentals for a computer aided exploration system for selected mineral suites; development of a geological and mining data base for the selected areas; and training of exploration technicians. The areas of investigations are: central Spain (gold, tungsten), the Pyrite Belt of south western Spain (base metals, gold, silver) and the Fichtelgebirge and Oberpfälzer Wald in Bavaria (base metals, gold, silver, tin, tungsten, uranium). For comparison, existing data for southern Greenland will be processed. Achievements: New methodologies and procedures have been developed to analyse remote sensing and other spatial data by means of multivariate statistics and tools of digital image processing for improvements in geological exploration. New sensors and analysis tools have been investigated and tested in different climatic and geological regimes. A model based on geochemical, geophysical, geological and spectral data has been devised, incorporating: compilation and revision of all available information in the selected working areas; building and actualization of the geological data base; elaboration of exploration models for each area and each mineralization type; processing and interpretation of the remote sensing data, correlation of the spectral, textural, and structural anomalies with known mineralizations; integration of this information according to the elaborated models; final interpretation and valuation. The developed methodology is now operational for various climatic and geological regimes. The tools are defined, the analysis method is operational and effective, and the whole process is flexible enough to adapt to different environments. Solutions for many individual topics have been developed: several types of new sensor data have been investigated for their potential to be used in mineral exploration. There are mainly two types of such data: imaging synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data and hyperspectral data with 63 bands. The methods developed are not principally confined to ...


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Fichtelgebirge ? Bayern ? Spanien ? Silber ? Wolfram ? Zinn ? Gold ? Radar ? Pflanzensamen ? Sensor ? Uran ? Korrelationsanalyse ? Geodaten ? Digitalisierung ? Fernerkundungsdaten ? Hardware ? Multivarianzanalyse ? Prospektion ? Rohstoffgewinnung ? Spektralanalyse ? Statistisches Modell ? Metall ? Geoinformation ? Bildverarbeitung ? Chemie ? Datenaustausch ? Pyrit ? Geophysik ? Analyseverfahren ? Statistische Analyse ? Innovation ? Systemtechnik ? Anwendungstechnik ? Vergleichsanalyse ? Baugebiet ? Bewertungsverfahren ? Modellierung ? Luftbild ? Datenverarbeitung ? Grönland ? Daten ? Geologie ? Hyperspektrale Fernerkundung ? Datenbank ? Fernerkundung ? Aufbereitungstechnik ? Wald ? Klimazone ? Mineral ? Werkzeug ? Oberpfälzer Wald ? Abbau [Bergbau] ? Lagerstättenkunde ? stationärer Betrieb ?

Region: Bayern

Bounding boxes: 12.53381° .. 12.53381° x 47.795° .. 47.795°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1990-10-01 - 1993-03-31



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Accessed 1 times.