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Neos-Quick - Testing of Novel Earth Observation Systems for Supporting Quality Control Activities required by the Kyoto Protocol

Description: Das Projekt "Neos-Quick - Testing of Novel Earth Observation Systems for Supporting Quality Control Activities required by the Kyoto Protocol" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung (IPF) durchgeführt. The Kyoto Protocol as a substantial extension to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) contains quantified, legally binding commitments to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and allows emissions to be balanced by terrestrial biological carbon sinks. The Austrian target for the first commitment period (2008 2012) is a reduction of GHG emissions of 13% below those of 1990, the EU aims at a reduction of 8%. Due to further increased GHG emissions since 1990, an actual reduction target of 22% can be expected for Austria. The KP and its implementation rules provide for human induced net changes of domestic sinks in the land-use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector to be counted in the emission balance of Annex 1 countries (developed countries and economies in transition). With the so called flexible mechanisms the Kyoto Protocol designated three international mechanisms, including sink projects abroad and GHG emission trading, to increase flexibility and costeffectiveness in achieving GHG emission reductions in the first commitment period 2008-2012. Under the UNFCCC and the KP, parties must follow clearly defined GHG inventory and reporting obligations including the verifiable and transparent documentation of the LULUCF sector. The latter is very precisely specified by the recently published IPCC Good Practice Guidance (GPG) for LULUCF, which suspects that in most countries the existing land use and inventory systems are inadequate to meet all the land reporting requirements of the Kyoto Protocol. Remote Sensing is attributed a significant role for LULUCF reporting and verification by the IPCC GPG. Remote sensing can be applied to supplement missing elements of existing land use and forest inventory systems, or to deliver the basic LULUCF information and to estimate (via models) above ground biomass changes on the one hand, and/or as an independent verification/validation tool for land use/forest area changes and above ground biomass. The development of RS as an independent verification tool as done in NEOS-QUICK, based on a multi-sensor approach, integrating GIS and ground observations, nevertheless leaves room for flexible applications of the elaborated RS techniques in either of the above mentioned ways.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Wien ? Treibhausgasinventar ? Biopharmazeutikum ? LULUCF ? Emissionsminderungsziel ? Photogrammetrie ? Sensor ? Gewächshaus ? Kyoto-Protokoll ? Österreich ? Treibhausgasbilanz ? Landnutzungsänderung ? Kataster ? Laubblatt ? Schadstoffemission ? Kohlenstoffsenke ? Emissionshandel ? Klimarahmenkonvention ? Qualitätsmanagement ? Waldinventur ? Emissionsbilanz ? Erdbeobachtung ? UN-Klimabericht ? Emissionsreduktionsverpflichtung ? Anwendungstechnik ? Bilanz ? Entwicklungsland ? Flächennutzung ? Kyoto-Mechanismen ? Industrieland ? Erdoberfläche ? Fernerkundung ? Forstwirtschaft ? Klimawandel ? Wirtschaft ? Wirtschaftszweig ? Wald ? Gebiet ? Treibhausgas ? Anthropogener Einfluss ? Biomasse ? VERRINGERUNG ? LAND ? Laub ? MECHANISMEN ? DAUER ? ANGEWANDT ? FOERDERN ? Dokumentationswesen ? NEU ? OESTERREICHISCH ? PROJEKT ? GUETER ? PROTOKOLL ? RATIFIKATION ? RAUM ? UEBER TAGE ? UNTER ? Arealveränderung ? Vermehrung ? Werkzeug ? ZEITRAEUME ? HAEUSLICH ? BESTEHEND ? BETRACHTUNG ? LAENDER ? Bilanz [Betriebswirtschaft] ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2002-01-01 - 2005-12-31



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Accessed 1 times.