Description: Das Projekt "Effiziente Energienutzung in Schwimmbaedern" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft durchgeführt. Objective: The energy consumption of public swimming pools should be cut by different facilities: - Pool cover by night - Heat recovery from shower water, filter back-fhushing water and ventilation system in indoor pool - Solar installation for pool's heating, combined with heat pump for indoor pools. The energy consumption should be cut drasticly. The different technique were demonstrated in four different pools: - AHAUS collector surface 2.164 m2 - Schwalmtal exchanger surface 807 m2 - Stadtsteinach collector surface 900 m2 - Unna collector surface 1.134 m2. General Information: The contractor is the 'Bundesinstitut fur Sportwissenschaft' the Federal Institut for Sport Science in Cologne. The Federal Government covers the remaining cost, the individual towns have to ensure that the pool techniques correspond to the latest hygenical requirements, especially the filter cycle time of the bassin. AHAUS (near the Dutch border). Open air swimming pool, built in 1982, summer use only, with a total water surface of 2 350 m2 at 22-24 deg.C. Installed energy saving facilities: pool cover, heat recovery from filter back-flushing water. Solar installation: 1 661 single glazed collectors 503 m2 unglazed collectors. (total 2 164 m2). The solar field is partly above the car park on metallic rack construction. Schwalmtal (near Düsseldorf) All year indoor swimming pool, built in 1982 with one bassin of 250 m2 at a water temperature of 28 deg C, and a children pool with 20 m2 at 30 deg C. The total building volume is 13 963 m3. The installed energy facilities are improved building insulation, heat recovery from filter back-flushing water, showers, ventilation of the hall and heat pump combined with unglazed solar collectors (energy roofing) and a stack air heat exchanger. In order to improve the output of the heat recovery units of the shower water and the ventilation separate small heat pumps are installed inside the respective utilities. All the heat pumps are electrical driven. The auxiliary heating is by natural gas. The boiler room is in a near by school. Stadtsteinach (Baveria near Bayreuth). Open air swimming pool, summer use only, with a total water surface of 1 123 m2 (temperature variable). The installed energy saving facilities are: pool cover and solar installation of 900 m2. The single glazed collectors are mounted on wooden racks. The solar circuit is functioning in a closed circuit, the heat is transferred via a plated heat exchanger. The installation is a retrofit on an existing pool, finished in 1982. Unna (near Dortmund). All year swimming pool, some of the open air basins are used in summer only. Some of them throughout the year. The pool was finished in 1982. The total water surface in summer is 1 341 m2, in winter it is 481 m2 of which 422 m2 are in the open air. The installed energy saving facilities are: pool air: pools heat recovery from ventilation and filter back-flushing water, gas driven heat pump linked to 1 134 m2 of unglazed ...
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Dortmund ? Düsseldorf ? Erdgas ? Abwärmenutzung ? Bundesregierung ? Luftmassenaustausch ? Solarenergie ? Solarkollektor ? Wärmedämmung ? Wärmeversorgung ? Warmwasserbereiter ? Betriebswasser ? Energieträger ? Filter ? Solartechnik ? Sommer ? Sport ? Wärmeübertrager ? Wärme ? Warmwasserbereitung ? Wasserhygiene ? Wasserreinigung ? Winter ? Lüftung ? Energieeinsparung ? Energiegewinnung ? Filtration ? Finanzierungshilfe ? Investitionskosten ? Wasseraufbereitung ? Wassereinsparung ? Wasserqualität ? Jahreszeit ? Wasserkreislauf ? Badeanstalt ? Nachrüstung ? Nutzungsänderung ? Energieeffizienz ? Pumpe ? Abdeckung ? Finanzierung ? Bayreuth ? Wärmequelle ? Wärmetransport ? Ventilator ? Ahaus ? Wasserbecken ?
Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen
Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1980-08-01 - 1987-10-14
Accessed 1 times.