Description: Das Projekt "Radiological aspects of recycling concrete debris from dismantling of nuclear installations" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technischer Überwachungsverein Bayern Sachsen durchgeführt. Objective: Limiting values for the release of concrete with low-level residual radioactivity for the selective safe utilization (e.g., for noise barriers, earth fill, earth bank or substitute for foundation material) are presently not defined. The research programme will examine whether it is possible to define limiting values for radioactively contaminated concrete in the range of the limiting values for steel. The effect of radioactively contaminated concrete on the soil (leach out of radio nuclides) and on man (radiation exposure) will be determined. The results of these studies will have an effect on the decommissioning activities as far as buildings of the controlled area and the kind and quantity of the radioactively contaminated concrete are concerned. The advantage of the studies lies in an economic and safe recycling of large amounts of concrete with a low-level artificial residual radioactivity. Thereby, valuable ground storage space would be saved and natural gravel deposits would be preserved. The research work will provide data concerning cost saving by recycling concrete from controlled areas, radiation exposure of the decommissioning workers and of the general public. The research programme is performed in cooperation with CEA-IPSN, which has a research programme with a similar objective. General Information: WORK PROGRAMME: 1. Leach tests; 1.1. Design of the test facility and determination of concrete test specimen. (all); 1.2. Construction and operation of the test facility. (TUV-Bay.); 1.3. Literature survey on leaching out problems of radio nuclides in concrete. (TUV-Bay.); 1.4. Radiological measurements on concrete rubble before, during and after leach out tests. (TUV-Bay.); 2. Natural radioactivity in concrete; 2.1. Procurement of samples from recently produced and aged concrete. (RWE); 2.2. Measurement of alpha, beta and gamma radiation. (TUV-Bay.); 2.3. Literature survey concerning the natural radioactivity of concrete. 3. Development of methods for recycling concrete. 3.1. Examination of concrete recycling possibilities by a literature study. (RWE); 4. Calculation of radiation exposure and determination of the artificial residual radioactivity; 4.1. Determination of radiation exposure scenarios. (TUV-Bay.); 4.2. Calculation of radiation exposure for man due to natural and artificial radioactivity. (TUV-Bay.); 4.3. Derivation of criteria for the safe use of concrete with artificial radioactivity. (TUV-Bay.). Achievements: Limiting values for the release of concrete with low level residual radioactivity for selected safe utilisation (e.g. for noise barriers, earth fill, earth bank or substitute for foundation material) are presently not defined. The research programme will examine whether it is possible to define limiting values for radioactively contaminated concrete in the range of the limiting values for steel. The effect of radioactively contaminated concree on the soil (leach out of radio nuclides) and on man ...
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Beton ? Recycling ? Baustoff ? Bayern ? Sachsen ? Alphastrahlung ? Betastrahlung ? Gammastrahlung ? Messgerät ? Abfallverwertung ? Bauschutt ? Radioaktiver Abfall ? Kernkraftwerk ? Kerntechnische Anlage ? Kind ? Kostenrechnung ? Lärmschutz ? Radiometrie ? Radionuklid ? Rezyklat ? Strahlenexposition ? Strahlenschutz ? Szenario ? Radioaktive Kontamination ? Dosis ? Kontrollmaßnahme ? Arbeitsschutz ? Kostensenkung ? Restrisiko ? Künstliche Radioaktivität ? Mensch ? Tiefbau ? Wirkungsanalyse ? Auslaugung ? Stahl ? Natürliche Radioaktivität ? Recyclingfähigkeit ? Rückbau ? Datenerhebung ? Radioaktivität ? Sicherheitsmaßnahme ? Stilllegung ? Grenzwertfestsetzung ? Versuchsanlage ? Wirtschaftliche Aspekte ? Probenahme ? Produktdesign ? Selektivität ? Aktivitätsmessung ?
Region: Bayern
Bounding boxes: 12.53381° .. 12.53381° x 47.795° .. 47.795°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1990-11-01 - 1993-12-01
Accessed 1 times.