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Wärmeversorgung für die Stadt Schwandorf

Description: Das Projekt "Wärmeversorgung für die Stadt Schwandorf" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stadt Schwandorf durchgeführt. Objective: To use the heat contained in the condenser cooling water of the power plant of the Bayernwerk AG at Schwandorf to cover the need for space heating in parts of the town. General Information: Condenser cooling water from the power plant of the Bayernwerk AG is used as the heat source for the heat pumps of the city heating system of Schwandorf. The water is diverted from the power plant's cooling water system before the entry into the cooling tower and is pumped to the heat pump station of the city heating system. After the water has been cooled down in the heat pump evaporators, it is discharged into the river Naab. The cooling of the condenser cooling water in the evaporators and the heat generated by the heat pumps and recovered from the waste heat of the heat pump gas motors yield a total heating power of 4.1 MW. The heating water of 60 deg.C to max. 75 deg.C is fed via heat exchangers into the heating installations of the users (public buildings). The heat pumps are capable of coping with outside temperature of above 4 deg.C. Below this temperature level, boilers are used to cover the missing heat generation capacity. In total 14 users are connected with the city heating network: 2 swimming pools, a hospital, 5 schools and 6 other large public buildings. The capacity of the system is 4.100 KW, producing annually 15.877 MWh at a cost of DM 773.759 p.a. (excluding the cost of capital) against DM 1,191,525 for a conventional system using fuel at DM 0.65/l, saving therefore DM 417.766 p.a. This saving represents a 14.2 year payback of the additional investment (DM 5.0930.617) compared to a conventional heating system. Achievements: The project was finished in 1985. From that time until the final report no changes were made. The final report was submitted in January 1989. The outcome achieved was not good because expected sales could not be achieved. The average annual sale was 10.000 MWh so a considerable loss was incurred. As the expected supply of 15.877 MWh could never be achieved, less district heating was supplied and it was only with this that energy could have been saved. The loss in the financial year 1990 amounted to DM 880.000. The previous year yielded similar results. Prime Contractor: Grosse Kreisstadt Schwandorf; Schwandorf; Germany.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Naab ? Brennstoff ? Fluss ? Öffentliches Gebäude ? Raumwärme ? Abfallverbrennung ? Abwärmenutzung ? Fernwärme ? Gasmotor ? Kühlwasser ? Wärmeversorgung ? Wohngebäude ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Schwimm- und Badebecken ? Abwärme ? Stromerzeugung ? Energieversorgung ? Innenstadt ? Wärme ? Wärmeerzeugung ? Wärmepumpe ? Warmwasserbereitung ? Wasserkühlung ? Krankenhaus ? Elektrischer Kondensator ? Warmwasserbereiter ? Stadt ? Kühlturm ? Wasser ? Energie ? Wirkungsgrad ? Schule ? Kraftwerk ? Abschlussbericht ? Heizung ? Investition ? Kessel ? Schwandorf ? Kraftwerksabwärme ?

Region: Bayern

Bounding boxes: 12.53381° .. 12.53381° x 47.795° .. 47.795°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1984-03-01 - 1986-12-01



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