Description: Das Projekt "Phytoremediation auf erdölverseuchten Böden in Venezuela" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Tropische Agrarwissenschaften (Hans-Ruthenberg-Institut) (490), Fachgebiet Wasserstreß-Management bei Kulturpflanzen in den Tropen und Subtropen (490g) durchgeführt. Phytoremediation is a non-destructive and economic in situ technology that uses plants to remove, degrade or stabilize contaminants in soil. In case of oil contamination, it is based on the stimulation of microbial degradation in the rhizosphere. Although phytoremediation is especially promising for the tropics due to climatic conditions that favour plant growth and microbial activity, research was so far mostly limited to the temperate zone. Furthermore, factors controlling the process and success of phytoremediation are still not well understood. This project was a cooperation of the University of Hohenheim and PDVSA-Intevep (Centro de Investigación y Apoyo Tecnológico de Petróleos de Venezuela S.A.). A first assessment of the potential of phytoremediation for the decontamination of petroleum-affected soils was conducted in the form of an extensive literature review in Germany and Venezuela, in combination with field visits to contaminated sites in Eastern Venezuela. (Thesis M. Heidtmann). After the pre-selection of plants collected on crude oil contaminated sites in the savannah of eastern Venezuela, potential phytoremediation species were identified in green-house experiments. Root structure of plants grown in contaminated and uncontaminated soil were compared. Next to the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbon in soil planted with the pasture grass Brachiaria brizantha compared to unplanted soil, the effect of B. brizantha on microbial number, activity and community structure were determined. Additionally, various fertilizer concentrations were evaluated for their effect on plant growth and oil degradation. (Thesis N. Merkl).Comparably, Vetiveria zizanioides was evaluated in green-house experiements for its potential use in phytoremediation of crude oil. Analysis included plant growth and vitality, root morphological characteristics and oil degradation in soil. (Thesis R. Brandt)
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Öl ? Erdöl ? Süßgräser ? Altlast ? Düngemittel ? Kohlenwasserstoff ? Kulturpflanze ? Gewächshaus ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Venezuela ? Petroleum ? Bodenstruktur ? Bodenverunreinigung ? Entgiftung ? Lagerstätte ? Rhizosphäre ? Pflanzenwurzel ? Phytoremediation ? Agrarwissenschaften ? Gemäßigte Zone ? Bodenqualität ? Bodensanierung ? Literaturauswertung ? Bodenuntersuchung ? Tropengebiet ? Abgrabung ? Boden ? Biologische Aktivität ? Bodenschadstoff ? Ackerland ? Effektkonzentration ? Beweidung ? Bodenbelastung ? Abbau ? Schadstoff ? Sicherheitsanalyse ? Verunreinigung ? in situ ? Sicherheitsüberprüfung ? Grasland ? Wachstum [biologisch] ? Abbaubarkeit im Boden ? Konzentrat ?
Region: Baden-Württemberg
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1999-11-01 - 2005-04-30
Accessed 1 times.