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Hochmoore und Lebensraeume fuer den Wachtelkoenig im suedlichen Chiemgau

Description: Das Projekt "Hochmoore und Lebensraeume fuer den Wachtelkoenig im suedlichen Chiemgau" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Landesentwicklung und Umweltfragen durchgeführt. Post-glacial terrestrialization of the southern part of the original Chiemsee lake left behind a landscape (southern Chiemgau) which even today is still rich in natural heritage, boasting considerable expanses of raised bog, bog woodland and fen, all of them habitat types which have become rare. The fens are dominated by bog woodlands with swamp forest characteristics, reedbeds and 'Streuwiesen' (very humid hay meadows characterized by sedges). These Streuwiesen are prime corncrake (Crex crex) habitat- between 10 and 20 calling males have been recorded in the project area. As the corncrake is globally threatened with extinction, while the raised bogs have been damaged by decades of peat digging, action is required for these first and foremost, in spite of the sites rich inventory of other vegetation types and rare species. This had already become apparent during an earlier LIFE project, successfully carried out here between 1994 and 1996. The current project builds on its predecessors experience and completes measures already begun at the 6 subsites. To regenerate raised bogs, on land aquired - in part - by the previous project, local hydrology will be improved by closing drainage ditches, flooding old peat diggings and clearing birch thickets. Habitats for meadow-breeding birds where corncrakes occur will be increased by extensifying agricultural land use and converting arable land to pasture; parts will be flooded to provide expanses of shallow water for waders. Abandoned, overgrown Streuwiesen, shunned by the corncrakes, must be cleared. These works will be carried out by local farmers, school pupils, scouts and even prisoners from a nearby jail. This will also presuppose purchase of about 60 ha land. In order to ensure lasting preservation of corncrake habitats, farmers will be given advice about the grant offered by the Bavarian agricultural extensification programme (Regulation 2078/92/EEC). Finally, local inhabitants and the many tourists should also be able to enjoy the fruits of the LIFE project: 3 observation platforms, and a boardwalk crossing a raised bog, will be built to allow inspection of the habitats.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Bodenbrüter ? Birke ? Landschaftspflege ? Watvogel ? Hochmoor ? Vegetation ? Seen ? Biotoptyp ? Streuwiese ? Landesentwicklung ? Wiese ? Hochwasser ? Graben ? Überschwemmung ? Chiemsee ? Bodenverbesserung ? Feuchtgebiet ? Gefährdete Arten ? Habitat ? Landwirtschaftliche Nutzung ? Niedermoor ? Rezyklat ? Torf ? Moorwald ? Ackerland ? Dränung ? Flachwasser ? Frucht ? Standortwahl ? Schule ? Weideland ? Landwirtschaft ? Hydrologie ? Artenschutz ? Naturerbe ? Bevölkerung ? Landschaftsnutzung ? Wachtelkoenig ? Crex-crex ?

Region: Bayern

Bounding boxes: 12.53381° .. 12.53381° x 47.795° .. 47.795°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1997-09-01 - 2000-08-31



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Accessed 1 times.