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Test of long-range teleoperated handling equipment with different tools for concrete dismantling and radiating protection monitoring

Description: Das Projekt "Test of long-range teleoperated handling equipment with different tools for concrete dismantling and radiating protection monitoring" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Karlsruhe, Institut für Reaktortechnik im Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe durchgeführt. Objective: An existing advanced handling system (EMIR) will be used as a carrier system for various devices for concrete dismantling and radiation protection monitoring. It combines the advantages of long reach and high payload with highly dexterous kinematics. This system will be enhanced mechanically to allow the use of different tools. Tool attachment devices for automatic tool exchange will be investigated as well as interfaces (electric, hydraulic, compressed air, cooling water and signals). The control system will be improved with regard to accuracy and sensor data processing. Programmable logic controller (PLC) functions for tool control will be incorporated. The free field of the EMIR will be used to build a mock-up that allows close simulation of that scenario without radioactive inventory. Aged concrete will be provided for the integration tests. Finally, the economical and technical effectiveness of the different methods will be assessed/evaluated. General Information: Work programme: 1. Basic concept investigation. 1.1. Interface specification between tools and EMIR (KfK). 1.2. Investigation of tool attachment devices for an automatic tool exchange system (KfK). 1.3. Setting up of test parameters (All). 1.4. Literature review concerning tool holders, adapters and tool replacement (KA). 1.5. Selection of the tool replacement system (KA). 1.6. Microwave equipment; design concept and interface specification (AEA). 1.7. Literature review on automation and measuring (BAI). 1.8. Selection of the type of radiation detector (BAI). 1.9. Definition of contaminants (BAI). 1.10 Design of the mechanics involved (BAI). 1.11 Electronics design for a noisy and dirty environment (BAI). 1.12 Conception of the hardware requirements for the computing system (BAI). 2. Development of tools. 2.1. Development of a tool positioning sensor (KfK). 2.2. Design and manufacture of a sensor equipment (KfK). 2.3. Examination of kinematic requirements (KfK). 2.4. Enhancement of control system (KfK). 2.5. EMIR hardware enhancement (mechanical and non-mechanical interfaces) (KfK). 2.6. Setting up and optimization of test parameters (KfK). 2.7. Adaptation of a commercial tool replacement system or development of an appropriate system (KA). 2.8. Development of a tool replacement adapter system suited to EMIR requirements (KA). 2.9. Installation of radiation measuring instrument plug connectors in the adapter (KA, BAI). 2.10 Tool holder rack design and development (KA). 2.11 Tool adapter plates, tool store and tool replacement equipment manufacturing (KA). 2.12 Assessment of treatment of specific cutting effluents (KA). 2.13 Provision of representative microwave equipment (AEA). 2.14 Manufacturing of measuring system for representative alpha-beta isotopes; software development adapted to detectors (BAI). 3. Adaptation of tools and experiments. 3.1. Setting up of a representative test mock-up (KfK). 3.2. Tool integration and testing (All). 4. Data evaluation. ...


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Karlsruhe ? Beton ? Blech ? Messgerät ? Mikrowellen ? Strahlenschutzkontrolle ? Befruchtung ? Druckluft ? Elektronik ? Kühlwasser ? Messeinrichtung ? Sensor ? Altgerät ? Anlagenoptimierung ? Elektrotechnik ? Hardware ? Hydraulik ? Software ? Strahlenschutz ? Strahlungsmessung ? Szenario ? Strahlung ? Kerntechnik ? Luftkühlung ? Datenverarbeitung ? Automatisierung ? Monitoring ? Simulation ? Berechnungsverfahren ? Abwasser ? Isotop ? Kernforschungsanlage ? Verfahrenstechnik ? Kontrollsystem ? Rückbau ? Daten ? Literaturauswertung ? REACH ? Produktdesign ? Kenngröße ? Wirtschaftliche Aspekte ? Technische Aspekte ? Verdichter ? programmable-logic-controller ? teleoperated-handling-equipment ? EMIR ?

Region: Baden-Württemberg

Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1990-10-01 - 1992-12-01



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Accessed 1 times.